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  • Aw you aren't bothering me at all! I appreciate it. Thank you so much! =) Nice to meet you, btw.
    Okay, I'll visit my BFs town and get back to you when I'm done. I'll add your FC right now while we're waiting though.
    Do you have a preference on who visits whose town? Also, do you have 10 villagers because I may need to clear my void.
    omgggg, tysm!!! i'll gladly add your fc and i'll be on my way! once again, thanks a bunch! c;
    Hi, are you still giving away pietro? I'll be on for the next 2 hours and then late tonight, I still really want him!
    Ah, if that is what you really want, then I will gratefully accept it! Thank you so much! <3 Let me know if you need anything later on, and I'll try to help! :)
    I see you're offline, so I just wanna post here that I responded to your post in my thread! The cosmo you have is perfect for my line up, if you don't want a replacement Cosmo for it, I can offer you the full amount of bells that it was purchased with. :) I'd feel bad to just accept for free hehe.
    Thank you for the offer, but I don't have the space for Scoot at the moment!! But thank you again for the offer.
    Hi! Hopefully I can get him! I'm trying to work on getting someone out. Thank you for telling me!
    sorry for the late response! sadly i can't take him because my town is full (this happens all the time argh) but, thanks for letting me know!
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