• Come and see the official gallery showcasing all of your creative entries from The Bell Tree Fair 2024. In addition, the winners for the final raffles have been drawn! Click here for the event's final closing announcement.

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  • Hey there! So, it looks like I have to TT Diana out tonight for the winner of my auction, so I'll have 9 villagers after her so whenever you're ready to let go of Apollo, I'll be ready for him. :)
    OK! It's a done deal and thank you so much! I've been looking all over for Apollo since day one! I'm moving this Saturday, so I might not have internet for a little while, but I'll be going to internet cafes everyday so let me know his moving date and we'll trade!! 8D thank you thank you thank you!!
    D8!! I'd most definitely would trade you Rudy for Apollo! I have ten villagers at the moment, so don't rush to get Apollo out just yet. I can give you Rudy first or give Diana to someone first. I'M SO HAPPY IF YOU REALLY WANT TO DO THIS!
    Hello! You were outbid on Rudy. <: ( Thank you though! Let me know about Apollo though, I'd trade instantly for him or pay you a few million if you decide you want to let him go! I'm still letting this auction/trade go on for a couple more days.
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