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  • Hi! I saw you were selling your togepi egg for 3.5k... I don't have tht much, but uhh I would deff love to buy it from you when I do! Unless I can also give you the two eggs ive found, im not sure I can transfer eggs but ~
    Wow, you're lucky you find cycling relaxing! It stresses me out and is tedious and repetitive for me, but I do it for money and to make people happy so it's worth it I suppose :)
    Ok! I hope that didn't sound like I was rushing you, I know what you're doing must be trying on your patience. Good luck!
    Question for ya - are you currently cycling right now? Just wondering so I can know if I should keep an eye on the thread.
    Hi, are you interested in buying a Green Candy Collectible for 300 TBT and or a Cyan Japanese Letter Collectible for 500 TBT? If not, sorry for bothering you. :)
    Hey ~
    I bided 1 k and nobody bided for 2 hours, so I guess I won the auction?
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