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  • That is awesome!! I'm available anytime really Hbu? P.s I can do your sprite tonight :)
    Oh hm forgot to read this before I came! XD You can tell me to "PM" if you want! I am curious ty also your sig is in my shop ready
    Oh wow! How did she know I was here? LOL! I see okay no problem. I will definitely give her heads up if she ever decides to come back. I am available now to pick up if you are. ~ Just add my fc and open ty! I will be coming on "Kristy"
    I finished your signature so when ur on and im on tell me so I can pick up bells ty. Also added animation to your name, but if u dont want that I will freeze it for you aka ur original order. This was added for free with no cost.
    Responded to your request in my shop with some questions! Please answer them ty
    Still up for buying a Sprinkler and the 4 Pink Azaleas? 350k does sound good. Message me when you're on!
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