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  • Hey there, I can get you:
    - 24 Hour Shop ABD
    - Afternoon-Tea Set
    - Buffet Server
    - Cat Tower
    - Fruit Basket
    - Lily Record Player
    - Sandwich Display
    - Shaved-Ice Lamp
    - Sloppy Set
    - Soft-Drink Display
    - Steamed-Bun Case
    - Tteok Plate
    - Veggie Basket

    10 TBT each for the items, and 50 TBT for the Sloppy Set, equates to about 170 TBT.

    Let me know if you're interested!
    Hello! I saw that you were looking for Flora. If you still want her, I currently have her moving out, if you'd like to come adopt her c:
    Thanks for helping me out, I forgot to drop some bells for you. The next time I'm in your town or vice versa I'll drop it then :)
    I'll get the bells in my town and just drop them off, then go back again until we hit 10. I know what it's like to struggle with wifi and I have plenty of time, so not to worry lol
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