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  • hello! your flat screen tv and rice cooker has arrived! please message back when you're ready for trade x
    You're very welcome.
    I get a couple of street passes every day, so it's nice to be able to share. :)
    Thank you very much for the afternoon tea set! I missed it at the Nintendo zone - I don't get there very often, and when I do, I never have enough time to figure out how to actually get the DLC, lol. So thank you very much! :D
    When I see that you have added the FC for Tali and opened your gate I will bring the balloons over. :)
    You're out of pm space.
    My FC for the balloon trade is the one for Tali.
    It is 4785-5778-7765. :)
    I'm so sorry >.> I have had alot going on at home. I have your items and I can meet up to trade tonight or when I'm on during the day. Sorry again :\
    No problem, could you send me the link to your thread so I can remember what items I need to order. I'll order them and message you when they're all in :)
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