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  • aa i was wondering whether i could visit your town and sell perfect peaches there ? sorry if you're busy ;o; and i can give you some of them too ?
    Well, I was stupid and was too lazy to do a math project, so I'm pulling an all nighter. It says I need to do something called a dilation of 1/2. I'm working with a coordinate plane currently. I'm confused as to what dilation of 1/2 means tho. I think I can do the rest.
    Well, I guess "necessity" isn't really the right word, no?
    Um... How about... I don't know...
    Let's rephrase it altogether, then~

    Do you believe that it is really helping a person if they use it? I entirely get what you're trying to accomplish with it, and, trust me, it would've been great to have for some things earlier in life. But would I really have learned anything getting the answer as simply as is available?
    Sorry if there are typos, iPad's keyboard does that to me~
    Hey saw that you're looking for Claudia. I have her in boxes atm. You can have for free, but I won't be holding onto her for very long.
    yeah sure! :) I have a trade going on at the moment, but I'll get back to you in 10minutes :)
    I'd be interested in Katt, Lolly and Kiki, how much would you want? do you prefer IGB or BTB?
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