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  • cries
    so perfect
    He's so perfect
    You spoil me like omg thank you so much Zane. Saying thank you is so cliche so I hope I'm not coming off as lame or anything but I'm going to get you a art piece as well but I'm not going to tell you what artist it'll be. So give me refs please.
    Again thank you sweet cakes. Always bring a smile on my face
    Ahaha that's pretty much all I did this weekend too xD we did go to dinner on Saturday with my BF's bro @ a brewery restaurant thing. It was just ok lol.

    Where do you work? Yah...I just dread it in general LOL nothing specific :p

    Lemme know when your DA is updated, I'd love to see it!!! :>

    Have a good week!!!
    Thank you :> honestly I'll try anything now lol. And YESSS they are! I watched a whole bunch when I was sick a few weeks ago...THANKS HULU xD

    Did you have a nice weekend??? I'm ok, just dreading going to work tomorrow :p
    Heeey! Thank you for the suggestions :> I hope you are doing well!!! :>
    haha nerd. o that's still nice, hope u have fun and that it won't be hell. o right there's been bad weather for u!! rip, it still hasn't snowed thank god.
    i forgot that bayonetta has those outfits, damn furry
    i always lose my fighters in the end for some reason I hate this. these computers are hard >:/ and AA try! I love the straw boater, it's my fave item. o no I hate that kind of snow! it's a dissapointment imo.
    u too!
    nvm I love this rabbit now, im getting luckier now because i managed to get that one Super Mario World one with bowser in its entirety >:3 the wooly world ones are adorable!! i love them so much. time to bring out the candles ig
    i forget so much aaah, i only really remember the main story because i didn't care about the side quests a lot. lmao, lenzo seems like he's trying to redeem himself in the remake.
    it won't work for ds games but it always works for 3ds games :( ooh, that sounds awful. the damaged hinged happened to me too on our original ds (the big blocky one) and it was so annoying, we couldn't keep it in the same position for long. i wish I could play phantom hourglass on the Wii U, we lost it when I was in the middle of it rip. and yea I did, didn't know what else to choose !!
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