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  • So... Monster Hunter looked like something I would be incredibly bad at xD
    okay, so i just went and made dreamselfies instead for these are characters i would love to have a base design before i go on my exploration for more artist

    so here's the get-go
    i already had a base design for him but it really didn't add up to his character.

    and these are the rest of my children
    the animations was just to speak more of their character, you don't have to consider them.
    the guy with the white hair is a robot so that's why i went crazy with that
    the guy with the mug was just to indicate that he's stress[coffee keeps you going] but if you draw him in particular, please add stress/dark bags under his eyes, you also don't have to draw his scars.
    i just love the diversity in your drawings, i still have those chibis you did for me awhile back
    they use to be in my signature but i remember seeing someone on here using them for refs so that was a buzz kill

    give me a sec, i have to gather refs
    i think im just gonna stick to the neighborhood, unless my mom drags us to go to the richer, busier parts or maybe takes us to Manhattan which is just chaotic at this time. it seems like a fair deal, especially since it has the games my brother and I want. i don't want to pay for Nintendo land but at the same time I want to have us
    wow that's awesome!!! now almost everything is functioning in your house :D
    nooo dw about it! also the covers in bayonetta are gr8, here's another one from the first game
    /sleeps for four days
    lol I get rhythm heaven and thief mixed up too, ya ur right. i play them when im bored but they make me upset sometimes because i always miss. I suck at those!!! the one with the hammer and the bulborb sucks, I hit the bulborb and only got a dead red pikmin :/
    poor 2005 emo horse
    aaaa i hope I get her, rip me. also really?? that seems bad, that kind of bothers me :0 lol they were so....awkward. the ac amiibos look more accurate im happy. i wish they stay like that :(
    they did?? omg i thought the only change was that thing tingle gives you when you bust him out of jail...i haven't played ww in a long time aaaa. i love the Zelda games with transportation, it's really fun just traveling everywhere in a game when u can't do it in real life lmao.
    love it so much. so far it looks like they've just done some lighting fixes and some polishing on the character models, I hope they can really do something great with this idea. lmao what are they talking about, compared to the wind waker hd stills, I could tell which one was actually different from the original
    o my god u keep doing this to me!!! thank u so much u didn't have to :0 she looks so pretty! I feel so bad because i can't draw with my bad hands rip I'm so sorry
    im tryin!! i just need $5 and im set, and it's almost christmas so ill be financially stable for a short while. also my brother and I decided on getting that Wii u that has splatoon and smash pre installed, it's cheaper than the other bundles and it comes out on Black Friday so :cool: too bad it doesn't come with Nintendo land, now I can't play that sweet loz minigame
    i hope u had a good day!
    ikr!!! i tried to get a rhythm heaven badge and I failed miserably, it was the machine's fault :mad:
    the tax is so disgustin, i don't like it for that same reason too smh. ughh I hate that feel of dread and regret that lasts for a while after deleting a file, it's short lived but it hurts. (lmao thats cute yet heartbreaking, also roscoe seems more like homura imo. emo horse.)
    my children's children's children will still be horrified about the case of No Marth Zane. yeah, when I look around in gamestop, peach's head seems way more larger than the others, I guess that's what happens when you clash different styles together and try to make them fit :0 i might just end up getting zelda lol.
    they're also staring to look more and more accurate to me with every restock which is nice!! o right it's March!! it's a shame u cant get the wolf amiibo earlier, I

    But foreal, why did they have to upload that **** on tidal. LOL
    Of course I like it!!!!!! :> Thank you again! And I want to pick your brain more...and steal your art skills heh heh j/k! xD

    WHY ARE YOU THE COOLEST, NICEST MOST AMAZING PERSON/ARTIST EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    OMG THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I want to cry ;_______________________;

    SHE IS SO CUTE THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! <3 <3 <3

    Thank you :'>
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