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  • Really? Never noticed that :0

    And yeah, I decided to sleep on my warm comfy bed instead of the cold hard desk for once :cool: and hopefully you had a lot of rest :)
    Thank you~!
    >u make me look like a cute poop
    >ur ankha to my claudia
    >srsly i love your art tho thank you for the birthday wish
    ahhh tfw not enough feelios
    and i would make a cycling thread but i'm really lazy so i just sell the tier 1+2 in individual threads lol. There are discounts for brahs, tho. They get their villager for the low, low price of free :cool:
    I <<<33 you too brah.
    and no-i am determined to do this >:<
    I cycled for Whitney for some sweet tumblr user but whitney took me 6 hours to cycle, so i just said "eh my towns a dump so might as well keep it like this" and so begins Valoria Cycling.
    for real brah. slowly my main toen is becoming a cycling town because of a job I did for someone and I realized that I should help you while im at it.
    psshh u flirt :blush:

    and ink if it even is ceramic. It's like, hard and shiny. I had one from the 1990's and it had a ceramic look to it.

    And wow sounds intense imo. But those bears with those ceramic-esque noses hurt like hell when it hits you so that's why I asked haha. And ooo let's see BD
    I bet it's perfect like u ;;;;;;D
    i need to think things through when im around you, you flirtatious woman ;;;;^]

    And yaaass slay them
    OMG YAAASS. HES TOO CUTE. And me as well. That shirt reminded me of the song and the clothes too lol.
    And aww bb don't worry! Put yourself first :3
    Me too dont worry. I'm so lazy ackk.
    And yeah bones is a qt, and Michael Jackson anteater? Never heard that before lmao.
    Ahh I had to shove it in my spoiler because size limits orzz
    But that means I can see it all the time which is nice.
    Me too! I've used internet browser for 3 years and safari for 2 and then i finally switched to chrome. And i was up late studying and looking on tbt at the same time, dont judge.

    Force? I was using a face scrub that stretches my face. I look sparkly and i have no weird* scar on my cheek lmao
    ok, after a shower and some force, the imprint is off.
    yay. but im such a klutz seriously
    Aw thanks bb! Im p sure it'll go away haha. I need to use the bed lol.

    And naw they don't. I just checked it in case of any new things. Still sticking to Chrome :>
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