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  • Yea that's what I mean. I don't think it's really copying since everyone has different art styles. I'm also a lover for hand drawn sigs
    Uhh can you make the mudkip riding tyrantrum? For everything else you can just make them doing anything like interact with each other, etc
    Awesome! Here's my mayor ref ((X)
    The pokemon I want are mudkip, gliscor, sylveon, tyrantrum, electivire, Mega lucario(if you can do megas if not just lucario). Can you make tyrantrum shiny?
    Ur the cutie.
    I won't look like my avatar tho. Me and my avatar look exactly the same but on different levels of cuteness.
    He said before he closed the thread that he will be doing another on like that. Just in case you're not there, give me a reference of who you want drawn, so I can submit it for you if you're offline.

    And for the style, anything. Just make my mayor look kind of dazed and confused and her mayor is all "get your crap together, Stephanie! UGH.
    omg yayayyayayay here is ref
    Thanks so much, boo! And your stuff refs isn't ****, I love it so much omg. AND YES I GOT A THING, I WAS AS SURPRISED AS YOU ARE AHHHHH
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