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  • Umma try to take a cat nap.
    I also hope me saying umma isn't too weird, just my accent coming through lmao.
    Have you ever been to New York?
    I had fcking 149 notifications and I accidentally clicked on them so now I'm just ://
    I'm really organized sadly
    umma be the little old lady taking her time walking across the street.
    Perhaps the same two pairings? But chibis? Or whatever you want.
    Here's some more better refs of Braham skin tone, hair and eye color. Also his personality!
    holy sht
    I have flat feet which is really bad because umma have a bad back. Then I have thunder thighs to go with it holy sht.

    And yes! It's going to be a couple again. I'm just now sure.
    Griest and Alest?
    Braham and jer? Or two girls? I have this one girl that's my friends oc but no one seems to be getting her hair right. It's big, long, and curly(afroish).
    poor child
    I'm hella sleepy. Once I get home I'll take a nap with a timer. I'll probably not since sometimes they might do it early or late for the live stream
    I think he sometime forgets he has a email because he replies back at the last minute.
    If he doesn't respond within the next hour or so while you're on I can just post you the finish piece.
    Is there anything specific you want? I keep thinking of him having a specific grin with his teeth showing.
    omg Zane
    OMG ZANE!!!
    I love both of them holy sht! Especially with Griest!!!
    For the first one of jer and Braham, can you make Braham hair darker, shorter, and skin lighter. Also make jer foot a bit bigger(the one that's up) but overall !!!!!!
    I think we got a schedule for the live stream
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