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  • Dogman arrived at the theatre yesterday, we've got little plushies, and combos made me think of you. Have you seen it, or are you planning too?? I know I'm excited to see it!
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    Reactions: ZeldaCrossing64
    Yes, I'm planning on going to the theatres a few days from now to watch the movie as a late birthday gift! I'm so excited for it, hehe.
    And OMG Dog Man plushies?? I need them 😭
    What do you get...when you cross a chicken with an elephant.

    Hint: It's not Dave Mustaine.
    Hii! I finished your "Draw the user above you" drawing, please enjoy! :D
    I thought it would be boring to just draw Dog Man, so I decided to put the whole gang in. This was also my first time drawing Li'l Petey and 80-HD!
    OMG I love it!!! I especially love how you drew Lil' Petey (what a cutie 🥺) and Petey is straight-up relatable, haha.
    I was feeling pretty upset, so you came in with perfect timing. Thank you for the drawing, love! 💕
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    Reactions: Suguri
    Aww I'm glad you love it! 🥰 And I hope you find your debit card and get better soon, dear. I'm here if you ever need/want to talk. 🫂
    I am going to challenge that Supa Cop to a round of kung-fu >:(((((( (jkjk)

    And "For Whom The Ball Rolls" is a good song, haven't listened to it in a while but maybe I should!!!
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    Reactions: ZeldaCrossing64
    Haha I had to reread your message to realize what you said 😂

    I had thought that "For Whom The Ball Rolls" was just a coincidental title, but I found out that it was actually based off the Metallica song!
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    Reactions: Suguri
    Dude, the title for that song and the book came from a classic novel. I wanted to make a pun here lol.
    I love your aesthetic, now I'm more excited to see the Dog Man movie XD 🐕🚓🐈
    I thought of you with this patch on my backpack. I should have remembered this right away, but here you go... you mentioned you enjoy King of the Hill. I thought you might like this, if you can recall the specific episode!

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    Reactions: ZeldaCrossing64
    Ooh, I haven't watched King of the Hill since I was a kid. Still, I love the patch. XD I'll probably get the reference once I rewatch the show, heh. (And you should definitely show the patch to @/-Blue-. I'm sure he'll like it!)
    omg I totally forgot about that one post I made in the random thoughts thread. I almost had no clue why you thought about rhubarb pie for me T___T

    Also. I was looking for Dog Man crochet patterns and found this cute guy! Looks like it won't be available until around the time the movie releases though.
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    Reactions: ZeldaCrossing64
    I see rhubarb advertisements in your future...

    And definitely! I'll be sure to do the pattern when it releases, and I'll eyeball it anyway if it's still not released. :D Maybe I'll freehand Petey as well? 👀
    OMG yes, absolutely make a Petey amigurumi doll!!! Dog Man is gonna need a friend. 🥺 (They're not exactly friends in the books but you get the point)
    • Hug
    Reactions: Suguri
    YAS for sure!!!!! I'll get started...when I have free time! which is going to take a while for me to get to sadly.
    So I've been wondering for a while, what purpose does the section with the mini-lineups in your TBT Marketplace thread serve? I set up something similar in my thread a while ago but I don't see anyone else doing it. :0 That's why I'm curious...
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    Reactions: ZeldaCrossing64
    Oh, I made that post as a "just for fun" kinda thing, and I had a lot of lineup ideas at the time that I wouldn't be able to keep track of otherwise! NGL, I forgot about it since I don't use my TBT marketplace thread much. 😭
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    Reactions: Suguri
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