dizzy bone Oct 8, 2015 Either one is fine! I can go to yours if you need visitors. No problem, I'm doing a few transactions now so take your time!
Either one is fine! I can go to yours if you need visitors. No problem, I'm doing a few transactions now so take your time!
dizzy bone Oct 8, 2015 Okay! Well I'll be up for another hour or so, if you'd like to do it today. Unless you want to do it later in the week around this time (it's the only time I'm free). Good luck with moving
Okay! Well I'll be up for another hour or so, if you'd like to do it today. Unless you want to do it later in the week around this time (it's the only time I'm free). Good luck with moving
dizzy bone Oct 8, 2015 Awesome! Thanks a lot I'll send ya 60TBT then. When do you wanna do the trade?
monsemania Oct 4, 2015 Hi! I'm sorry I haven't been on, if you could lemme know when you're available to do the trade sorry it's been a while.
Hi! I'm sorry I haven't been on, if you could lemme know when you're available to do the trade sorry it's been a while.