A A Alienfish Sep 28, 2015 at the pharmacy.. it's green with some graphical pattern and the actual brush is yellow
KaydeeKrunk Sep 28, 2015 I am actually only a mere turt princess but I am glad my turts please you. <3
Dawnpiplup Sep 27, 2015 I'm gonna go to sleep now since it's near my curfew XD. Goodnight or day to you~
cherrypup309 Sep 27, 2015 that's cool. Idk how much longer i'll be up so if i can't visit tonight, maybe tomorrow
cherrypup309 Sep 27, 2015 oXo I 'm bad with this stuff. I just came back from dinner and i shouldn't have to get off for a while so if you get on soon I should be able to visit
oXo I 'm bad with this stuff. I just came back from dinner and i shouldn't have to get off for a while so if you get on soon I should be able to visit
cherrypup309 Sep 27, 2015 sorry didn't see that message till now e.e vm or pm when i can visit again. just sent 10 bells