• A rotton cherry won't work, its a digging game. But thank you! My town to see the game?
    Also, I did an entry earlier today to the photography contest and i still have no embers.
    Omg yes we could do that then troll Jacob and say you gave it to me for free xD. Then I will send it back lol.
    i never even set up a shop because i knew i would be too bad at keeping up with it LOL i had a cycle thread for a little while but i couldnt even keep that up OTL
    ahaha right??? its like, i'll plan a trade, and then i'll go bug hunting, or i'll get up and go to the store or something... and when i return like 3 hours later im like OMG I FORGOT and i have like 10 VMs LOL

    ok i'll head over now!
    haha it's ok! just let me know whenever you're ready! i understand getting distracted LOL i have adhd and sometimes i just forget to check things for like an hour and im like 'oh crap didnt i have a trade set up whoops'
    oh no it's fine! i'll pick them up and separate them from the ones i dont want, it won't be a problem! then we can count at the end and see how much tbt i owe you for the ones i want!

    i'll add you and head over!
    hehe ok! i can just go through the fossils myself and pick up the ones i need, and give you a tally at the end, if you want to just, lay them out on the ground somewhere?? whatever's easiest really! or if you want to go through the list i have on my board and let me know which ones you've got!
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