• Haha, yeah c: but before you go will I be visiting you, or vice versa? @-@

    Have fun at karate!
    Yes right now is fine :) Your town or mine? also give me a second to get the bells out ^_^
    Oh, awesome! and no problem :D the wait was pretty convenient for me. I just got back from a trip to my grandparents house. (no wifi)
    Hello, I've already added you. Please notify me when my order is ready and when you're free to trade!
    if you wanna hit me up whenever you'll be available tonight I'll have them ready for you! I just got an Xbox in my room so I'm all over the place ^-^"
    hey friend, I've got all the ceramic hot plates ready :) sorry it's taken so long, I've been doing other nerd stuff and I got sidetracked. Whenever you wanna trade let me know! ^-^
    Ummm...could you wait another 10 mins, my Ds has difficulties charging and I takes a while to make it work, so you nay have to wait longer, sorry for the inconvenience. ;~;
    hi! I've got 3 uncustomized stewpots, two uncustomized hot plates, three customized stew pots, three customized hot plates, a sushi platter, and an uncustomized rice cooker! Is that good?
    and I'd be absolutely willing to take as many fossils as you'd like to get rid of ^-^ my museum display isn't even close to being done so :eek:
    thats absolutely no problem! I can do that right now ^-^ and if you don't have any, if you have any fossils or any of the little models I'd be more than happy to take those if you don't need them ^-^ I decided to make a paleontologist character but never remember to dig up any fossils so I'm like TT^TT
    you don't need to buy them if you don't! I'm a breeder, just an impatient one ^-^" also! I've ordered six stewpots and four hotplates, are there any particular customizations you need?
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