• No, you're being dramatic then.

    Why would you say in your profile "Let's see how much salt I get" I honestly don't see why anyone would even bother to say your opinions are wrong through VM.
    yup!! also me and superstar are waiting for someone to post in the rp if it doesn't bother you. c:
    yeah that's what i was going for TBH
    i actually got the name from a remix named sugarella
    oh okay!! so um idk what else to think im not very good at this.
    i came with sugarella just by adding sugar to my name xD
    aww really? that's so sweet c:

    okay ik you told me that xD isn't lacunosa a name in Pokemon?
    sounds like a username my brother would have
    hnnng ikr it's so much!! there is a reason though.
    i personally like lucanosa but if you want to change it, that's fine. oh what about Frost Fire like with a space in between?
    omg then what am i supposed to recommend DX
    hmm okay time to brainstorm
    do you mind if i recommend some names? i just need an idea of what are your favorite things
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