• yea sea salt is yummy. i just ate some teddy grahams yay chocolate chip flavor
    how am i being immature e.e
    It's not silly, we just don't our conversations being blasted everywhere. It was a group vote as well, and we just thought she seemed immature. All I though SHS did was ignore you?
    Excuse me? The stream memes are acting nothing like the SHS, we are simply looking out for the best interests of our friends and we don't want her in the group because she seems a bit to immature we also don't want her too tear us apart as we have become a really close group of friends and we don't want too have to censor ourselves because of her.
    We didn't kick her because of the group she was in, it was because she was in another group. Like, it didn't have to be STFR, could be like SHS or something. Wouldn't be allowed in due to the fact we don't want group overlapping. BTW, she wasn't kicked out, Mel added her without checking, and we took a vote on it, and she was voted out. She asked to join, not to be let in.

    Also, the fact that she reports back to people about what we do just shows that we can't trust her :/

    But anyways, how are you?
    well it was my mistake. My grandma asked if anyone wanted to go and I was like SURE GRANDMA ILL GO!!!!!1!1!1!1!!1! Then last minute I said no but my mom said GO so I was like fine if i get hurt its your fault.. so yeah i am not going to do Black Friday especially where I live DEAR LORD
    right? all i see is stockings, wrapping paper, and 20% CHRISTMAS PRESENTS BUY NOW!!!
    so also thanksgiving means Black Friday T-T
    I went last year for Black Friday and dear lord it was the worst.. My grandma and I went to go buy presents early, so we didn't have to go later, so we went looking for toys. Then a buzzer rang to start Black Friday and everyone went CRAZY!! People ran all over the place.. My grandpa wanted to find a heater since in his RV (he works somewhere else where my grandma lives..) it's really cold, but two women were like ITS MY HEATER GIMME and my grandpa was left with a cheap heater that barely worked!! i felt so bad for my grandpa. we went and got a dollhouse for me (i don't use it though lol) plus it was cheap. $50. we went and got a PlayStation 4 for my uncle (he doesn't play it tho) then we left and were exhausted.
    yaaas!! that's what grandmas are for amirite?? making yummy food!! but she'll try to feed leftovers to me, and ill die akdjdieiwjajsks. then ill probably go on another hiatus for a week or two for christmas/new years.. hehe. but in thanksgiving i only eat turkey and mashed potatoes w/ gravy!! i might try stuffing and cranberry sauce (is it cranberry?). pumpkin pie is also the baee.. but basically all im seeing in stores is christmas stuff like OTL it's not even thanksgiving yet gosh
    well i guess, i don't want to read 172773737 pages when i get back. im going on hiatus because family week. we're going to my grandma's house, or she'll come here, and she'll make bunch of yummy food!! i might come on, but not as much. don't worry it's not for good hehe
    otl why am i always being picked on
    oh yeah im going on hiatus on thanksgiving week
    As we thought. We won't let her in now because shes reporting back to other people :/
    you reserved a spot in my rp (garden one), and haven't posted a form
    anyways good morning!
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