• lol well i don't play acnl anymore ;-; i quit after i reset my town it got boring for me
    i hope there's a Christmas event that is nice. What did they do last year for Christmas?
    omg calm down with the collectibles so much t-t
    well yeah but im pretty sure no one would care if i left lol but ppl care if cool members leave
    oh well if u do leave i am pretty sure we'll miss u
    would u come back for the christmas event
    I meant 10:32 AM okay
    100 collectibles jeez!!!!!! i have the amount I have on my sidebar
    i don't have enough to get my togepi egg :(
    yeah, like apple2012 left no one really cared....... can't really think of anyone else
    what it's 10AM
    yeah collectibles are fun hehe
    and true everyone will be dramatic like akdjmfmlalksfk lucanosa left
    I just wanted to make sure but am I still cool with you and everyone since ya know, yesterday.
    (which literally had me crying. XD Which surely means the internet is my life... lol)
    lmao for some reason i always get excited when i see your username
    ill take that as a no xD
    anyways, hope you're feeling better by now, and i posted in the rp! <3
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