Fuzzbyroo Jul 8, 2014 Awesome! I've only played that game once. My mate plays it a lot, he says it's really enjoyable ^^
Fuzzbyroo Jul 8, 2014 I've been alright. I'm enjoying my second week of holidays ^^ What have you been up to?
Saylor Jul 7, 2014 Oh really? I've never tried that. Can't use animated avatars yet, not enough bells.
fiona Jul 6, 2014 Would it be possible for me to purchase the pumpkin pie? I don't know how much/what you want for it but if you could contact me when you're available that'd be great
Would it be possible for me to purchase the pumpkin pie? I don't know how much/what you want for it but if you could contact me when you're available that'd be great
Yui Z Jul 6, 2014 I don't know! D: Don't worry, I only just got home from a place with no signal and Flop got my birthday date wrong too.
I don't know! D: Don't worry, I only just got home from a place with no signal and Flop got my birthday date wrong too.
PaperLuigi3 Jul 5, 2014 The day you have to ask why they bounce, is the day that they bounce twice as much. *bounces pecks *bounces pecks
The day you have to ask why they bounce, is the day that they bounce twice as much. *bounces pecks *bounces pecks