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  • I believe no one else has, but I am afraid some people are going to start buying egg #2, but jokes on them because I'll make even harder ones ^^ I'm just glad to have the community involved in a game!
    It's too early to tell, but I think I'm having fun playing it so far. I found it kind of stressful at first because of my time zone (all the action was happening at 12am+ for me) and I was worried that I wouldn't get a chance if they assumed I was inactive.
    But it's okie dokie now that I've got my bearings.

    You never know until you try. :p
    Mafia in the basement... Geez I'm bad at it too haha. It's my first game, but I'm not the best at spotting slip ups (maybe that's a good thing for real life) ~ hopefully I'll get better at it though. It's only day 1 after all.

    I think I'll play some harvest moon ANB in a minute though.
    Haha thanks! I don't spend much time on the forums. c:
    But yes, I love Vaati. He's someone I need to hate but can't.
    Lol, thanks.

    Hmmm, your avatar reminds me of a game I've played. Not Zelda. Castle Crashers. XD
    Lol, have you learned your lesson from trolling and making duplicate accounts? :D

    By the way, the IP Address was traced to you, so don't try to pull off the "my friend" junk. XD
    psst vaati rules A+ villain (i always thought he was underrated but i dont participate in the fandom much so i cant say for sure)
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