In-game Name: Zenni Island Name: Dokdo Cataloguing only, taking items back, or both?: Cataloguing or Taking Items back, it depends on when I'm available.
This looks amazing! I can't wait to see how you've organized everything
I have travel plans for that weekend and will try to join whenever I can. Could you put me on both lists for now?
Hey all. I would like to thank everyone for the huge amount of interest in this event. lol This blew up faster than I expected, but I guess it's because of the new update coming. haha
But anyway, just a friendly reminder to you all for the cataloguing event:
Please don't take any items home; you can do that on the spree during the 31st (October).
Because connection issues might be a problem, please use a stable Internet/WiFi connection during your visit.
Likewise, please exercise responsibility for your own items and save often. You could do so by exiting the island and returning to your own. We encourage you to do so every 15-30 mins. This might be bothersome to others, but it helps to prevent your game from crashing and losing all the progress. What you can do is catalogue one section of the island first then come back for the others.
Games will be held, and you'll have a chance to win rare fruits and fishes you might not own on your island, including Star Fragments.
Bad jokes will probably be told as well... Probably not Dr. Shrunk level, but still.
Code: 4949-4649-1278 In-game Name: Amanda Island Name: Ordona Cataloguing only, taking items back, or both?: Cataloging only, as I'm in a much later time zone haha.