Hey all! I just wanted to post and clear up a few things so we can avoid the type of confusion that previously took place.
Unlike auctions, we don't have any official rules regarding giveaways and their terms, since the host would be holding the giveaway out of their own generosity and isn't requiring people to pay or do anything other than (in this case) post. However, honest and fair etiquette would dictate that changing the terms of any giveaway is probably something you shouldn't do, especially if someone's already met the terms that should grant them a prize. It's always a good rule of thumb to make sure you follow through with what was originally outlined in your giveaway terms, not because you might get in trouble for changing them, but because people are bound to get upset when they have a prize coming, only to be told the guidelines have changed after they had already won. Doing this can also cause people to be less inclined to participate in your giveaways going forward.
I'm glad to see things have calmed down now, and hopefully the confusion and disagreements are in the past as I see the original terms were upheld. Best of luck with the remainder of your giveaway, and let's all try not to be
too hard on the host! This is a very generous giveaway and I highly doubt any ill will was intended.