100 x 100 icons [ ✦ pickup pg19 ]

emotion:none (50tbt per extra emotion)
extra details:none
bg colour:umm a ;light yellow like pastel? idk? has to be a funky bright colour~
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emotion:none (50tbt per extra emotion)
extra details:none
bg colour:umm a ;light yellow like pastel? idk? has to be a funky bright colour~

sorry, if you have read, its closed for now
animal crossing character.jpg
this is my character. (I have already ordered, but I couldn't give you it. this is it now!:))
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ahck sorry i haven't been drawing much, im getting pretty lazy ;_;
i'll have to pause these for a few days since im working on rlc orders to get money for a upcoming birthday (and i am broke in rl)

ahck sorry i haven't been drawing much, im getting pretty lazy ;_;
i'll have to pause these for a few days since im working on rlc orders to get money for a upcoming birthday (and i am broke in rl)

Ahhh thanks for letting us know!! >//v//< Good luck on your rlc orders! I hope you get enough for the birthday! c:
Info: Violet hair, White tuxedo, Cows lick/flicked hair and eye lashes.
Emotion: Day dreaming.
ExtraS: None.
BG: Blue.
Offer: 150tbt!^^
Please note I am using a mobile, so I cant get my villager up for some reason. :(
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FINALLY I found out who is making these!! I'd LOVE to order one! XD
ref: :
emotion: (50tbt per extra emotion) smirkin'
extra details:if you don't draw black eyes, you can make em dark brown
Eh, I also have somewhat thick eyebrows so if you could draw em like that,thanks!
bg colour: has to be a funky bright colour~ purple!
offer:100 tbt
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FINALLY I found out who is making these!! I'd LOVE to order one! XD
ref: : emotion: (50tbt per extra emotion) smirkin'
extra details:if you don't draw black eyes, you can make em dark brown
Eh, I also have somewhat thick eyebrows so if you could draw em like that,thanks!
bg colour: has to be a funky bright colour~ purple!
offer:100 tbt

ah its ok, oi might be able to reopen next week, just need to finish these art trades & a few rlc icons and i'll be done~
man i just realised how many more of these i have to do ahha, like 40+ //jumps into the river
ah its ok, oi might be able to reopen next week, just need to finish these art trades & a few rlc icons and i'll be done~
man i just realised how many more of these i have to do ahha, like 40+ //jumps into the river

wowza... 40+ ??? omg goodluck with all that though lol i'll order once you're open to orders again :D