Cycling , -☆-♪--♪-☆-

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AGENT S IN IGLOO, giving 5 minutes and moving on

Woops, I meant TBT :3

But you know what I mean.

On another note, it's nice to see you around Vanillabeth~ How are you doing? ^v^ <3
hi all! :>

sara: i have chrissy if you still need her :>
Hello again Twilight! Haven't spoken to you in quite some time- I'm glad we could fix that hehe.

My boyfriend got Chrissy in his town he just started, but he doesn't cycle (although he TTs). Is she in boxes? ;o;
I can cycle her out pretty quickly later on , right now i'm lettting Diana move so I can Lolly from my cycle
My boyfriend likes her but he doesn't have a TVT forums account! Think you could grab her just in case he decides to make one to get her? c: If not I understand!

Hello, boyfriend here. I would be interested in Agent S so I would be greatly appreciative if you held on to her in your cycling town.
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I can cycle her out pretty quickly later on , right now i'm lettting Diana move so I can Lolly from my cycle
I think since I have a Chrissy waiting for me, it'd be best to give someone else a chance who isn't as fortunate as I am. c: I'm so thankful for your offer, and I really thought about it hard for a while hahaha

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Heyyyyy twilight!
And Sara yes it's nice to see you too, I've been good, hbu?

I've been pretty good, just sick lately... ;A;
Glad you're doing well!
If Erik wanna leave, dont box him. I just adopted Beau from campsite so im full atm. Im in scool so i Cant tt out anybody rigth now :/
I am going to start taking reservations for villagers, as I realised I really need to restart before Christmas, because of life..... Lol.
But as soon as all reserved villagers are taken this will end. As much as I want to continue I won't have much time to cycle. I also am excited to start a new town so yeah. And also there are many cycle threads that let you reserve so it's a good opportunity. I understand why they do that tho.
Thanks for reading!

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I feel like I won't have enough time because I need to focus on extra activities irl and school work
Thanks for doing this. I'd like to reserve Beau or Bruce, if possible. Bam would be fine as well. If I can only pick one though, Beau please.
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