Giveaway |★| 15,000 BTB+ | YAS GUYS YAS! WINNERS PG13382

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My Broderodie is the cutest pup ever!!! He was my consolation prize since my youngest son started school and I was home with out any kids during the day, LOL! Whata GREAT consolation prize though!!!
My Broderodie is the cutest pup ever!!! He was my consolation prize since my youngest son started school and I was home with out any kids during the day, LOL! Whata GREAT consolation prize though!!!

Puppies are hard to raise but so worth it
I'm so glad to be apart of this thread!!! You guys all made my week!! ;//v/; I'm going to miss this so much!!! ; A; )/
This is something I'll never forget!! Thank you so much everyone! <3
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I loved this and I am happy I got to participate! Thank you Peoyne so much!
I will never forget this :'3

yeah! thanks peoyne! who knew a giveaway thread could get so far
hopefully we all can meet again in another thread and have some more great times?
Me too! this has been the most fun TBT week I've had since last years fair!!! Maybe I'll open up a chatzy when its all said and done, and invite you all and we can all chat during our free time :)
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