I never notice it just doesn't do anything to me, I feel bloated but thats all XD
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I would be down for that
I never notice it just doesn't do anything to me, I feel bloated but thats all XD
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I would be down for that
o: Maybe instead of stocking party poppers this new years they could stock sparkling cider/fizzy apple juice
It'd be a change from all the junk food collectibles at least :I
I never notice it just doesn't do anything to me, I feel bloated but thats all XD
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I would be down for that
Lucky.. yeah I also have irregular stages where I tend to skip months at times @~ @ crazy.. lol
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We should totally post up a Poll with list of new collectible items and see what ppl would want to be added this year :3
You should go start a thread for suggestions for new Collectible items pollD woohoo!
lol I haven't had mine in 8 months XD talk about irregular
Ayyye Idk where to put it or how I'd word it
But I've planned on it a few times, since I have quite a few other ideas. Like glow wands for example. There's 4 colors, and like fruit/letter collectibles, they'd have increasing rarity and value.
Except maybe have weekly restocks for them, so like each week there'd be 4 pink, 3 green, 1 yellow, and 1 blue restocked. Something like that.
Ayyye Idk where to put it or how I'd word it
But I've planned on it a few times, since I have quite a few other ideas. Like glow wands for example. There's 4 colors, and like fruit/letter collectibles, they'd have increasing rarity and value.
Except maybe have weekly restocks for them, so like each week there'd be 4 pink, 3 green, 1 yellow, and 1 blue restocked. Something like that.
After all the fruits, like mangoes lychees bananas, I have a sneaky suspicion theyre going to bring in perfect fruit collectibles
Hey, I'm done for that idea too on helping out if you do start that Poll threadhm.. should we msg the mods and see what they think or should be appropriate category to start in? Cause idk where I would post that up either hahah
After all the fruits, like mangoes lychees bananas, I have a sneaky suspicion theyre going to bring in perfect fruit collectibles
What about fruit baskets? No one talks about those.
They're in-game too
Gg I got moremaybe, but I don't want them to be 9 times the price and rarity
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OHEY, I'm appraching 2k posts!
maybe, but I don't want them to be 9 times the price and rarity
Gg I got more
becuz you haz no life
XD Well maybe Bell Tree HQ?
owo gonna try rn.
I'll VM you and a few others what the post will be before I actually post it to see your opinions