18 Years Ago


Senior Member
Jul 14, 2019
Throwback Tickets
Baby Chick Easter Egg
Rotating Fool's Egg
Purple Balloon
Sweet Balloon
Sweet Balloon
Yellow Balloon
Perfect Apple
New Leaf Token
Perfect Cherry
Pink Balloon
On this day, 18 years ago, the United States was attacked by terrorists. Four passenger flight planes were hijacked by terrorists and used to kamikaze. Two planes kamikazed into the North and South towers of the World Trade Center (The Twin Towers), and one into the Pentagon. The fourth plane was brought down in a field when the brave passengers on the plane attempted to regain access to the cockpit. On that day, 2,996 people perished. 19 of them were the terrorists. Out of the other 2,977 people who perished, 414 were firefighters and law enforcement officers who died in the line of duty, and the other 2,563 were civilians. 9/11 remains the deadliest terrorist attack in the history of the world. I would like to take a moment to remember those who died in the line of duty, those who prevented the 4th plane from kalmikazing into another building, and all the innocent civilians who died. 9/11 will always be a day to remember, and I thank you for joining me in remembering this horrible terrorist attack and all those who lost their life.
We will never forget. I was in middle school. The images will forever be burned into my memory. Thank you to the first responders. Thank you to the soldiers. Please Lava join me in a moment of silence?
I won't forget either because I remember seeing it unfold and I also remember how my mom was glued to the TV (which was unusual for her to do). I am just glad we have brought justice to a lot of people who coordinated this attack or wanted to repeat history.
I was in 8th grade math class. Lessons were stopped so we could all watch. It was horrible. It was also my best friend's birthday and she was so upset.
On this day 13 years ago, the album 'Silver Side Up' by Nickleback was released.

Truly a harrowing day for everybody.
While I was only around four years old when the attacks occurred, I watched a documentary on it later in life when I was in private high school. I remember just feeling incredibly angry (which rarely happens anymore) and sad at the loss of life from what happened. May those who died Rest In Peace. Today is truly not a great day for anyone (and especially if you live in the US).
I was just in 2nd grade, and I remember having to leave for home, but more than anything I remember all the parents that were crying upon picking their kids up including my mom whom at that point I hadn't really seen cry all that much. It made it really my first instance of the feeling of danger on a grand scale to see my mom especially like that. I seriously went home, and slept. Not in just a tired sense, but in a weak one as well. It was truly a tragic day
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This day is always very sad and I believe I was 5 when it happened. I sorta remember watching the news as the event unfolded. Can't remember much after that. I guess I'll join everyone else in a moment of silence. :(
I was in the 7th grade when this happened, I remember being in my music class and we had a substitute teacher that day.
We were like watching a movie and then substitute teacher got a call from someone she knew (I guess).

She went up to the TV and turned off the movie and changed it to the news. I remember being really scared.
I was only 1 at the time and was in the hospital battling a severe sickness. However, 9/11 was a truly terrifying event that will always haunt me. I can't even imagine how mind-numbingly scared the people trapped in the twin towers felt in their final moments. Terrorists are truly the filth of the earth and don't even deserve to be called human.
this attack was way before i was even alive, but i've learnt that it was a horrible event that affected many people. i can't believe somebody would even think of doing such a thing. it's quite tragic.
I was 8 at the time, when the older students of the private school I was in were gathering in the break room where the TV was. I peeked my head in with smoke filling every image of the screen, and I knew it couldn't be good. Of course, as a child, I didn't know exactly what was going on at the time till I got older, but I felt something was severely wrong. The children who were usually loud where stiff and quiet, and the younger children along with myself were sent back to our desks (maybe to protect us from the severity of the situation).

I'm now a teacher at the very same school 18 years later. We gather all the students to teach them what happened. Honestly, it doesn't feel that long ago to me. But when the vice principal was describing the event to the children who weren't even born when this happened (he was actually in NY during the events of the attack, and told his story), it just clicked how after so long, a whole person-who-is-of-legal-age long ago, it still wretches our hearts.

I was with my 1-2 grade children this morning as they listened and watched the short documentary of that day, and it took all my might to not sob my eyes out. I had to hold my mouth and look away so they couldn't see their teacher that way. They showed footage of people crying, dying, and the impacts of the planes. The last time I saw this was when I was in middle school (I purposely avoid it otherwise) and I was crying as hard now as I did then.

The pain will never leave us. May God be with those who were lost, and who were impacted that day in any way.
I wasnt there to see the sad news, but I came less then a year later after it happened, the only thing that I remember from my parents, that they were on a beach trip when it happened, and I remembered that they had to leave to go home because of it, it was really scary for them, and sadly I wasn't there to experience it-