• The Bell Tree Fair 2024's closing ceremony is finally here! Event results, TBTer drawings, collectible reveal, quiz answers, art, stories, raffles, and more. You can find the six-part thread in the Bulletin Board! Thank you, everyone, for making our TBT birthday celebration so special!

2 A.M.

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Rawburt said:
Tyeforce said:
Rawburt said:
Tyeforce said:
Quoting limited to 4 levels deeptryyou
You're confusing me man.
Tyeforce said:
Kaleb said:
Quoting limited to 4 levels deeptryyou

I'm talking about religion. By the way you're taking it, everyone would be pushing their beliefs on other people just by having a normal conversation with each other.
You're still pushing beliefs on him though, religious or not.
If you consider that pushing beliefs on other people, then that would mean that everyone would be pushing their beliefs on other people no matter what they say. I was talking about religious beliefs, which are far more serious.
I know Mino's posting, but I'm going out now, just to let you know. So don't think I'm just ditching this argument (though I would love to, as it's just stressing me out to no end). I have a life, you know.
Tyeforce said:
Rawburt said:
Tyeforce said:
Rawburt said:
Quoting limited to 4 levels deeptryyou
Tyeforce said:
Quoting limited to 4 levels deeptryyoueveryone would be pushing their beliefs on other people just by having a normal conversation with each other.
You're still pushing beliefs on him though, religious or not.
If you consider that pushing beliefs on other people, then that would mean that everyone would be pushing their beliefs on other people no matter what they say. I was talking about religious beliefs, which are far more serious.
No, considering most conversations don't include people trying to change how another person acts towards everyone else.
Tyeforce said:
I know how you feel when it comes to people with ignorant beliefs. In fact, I probably know it much better than you do, considering the fact that I'm gay and I have to deal with a society that, for the most part, cannot respect me for who I am and believes that my being gay is a "sin". But I'm not mean to those people. I try not to be mean to anyone. And if I ever am mean, it's because I'm stressed out and I'm not thinking straight. There is no reason to be mean to anyone at all. Being mean doesn't help anything, it can only make things worse. I know you have a nice side, Mino, as you've shown it to me before. You're very capable of being a nice guy, but often times you instead choose to get on people's bad sides. I know you feel strongly for your beliefs, but that doesn't mean you should tell people flat out that "there is no God", or any of the other things that you like to state as if it was an undeniable fact, when it's not. You may not intend to sound like you're claiming facts, but your words speak for themselves. I'd have no problem with you if you only showed your nice side, and not your ruder, seemingly ignorant of other people's opinions and feelings side.
Tyeforce said:
Okay, I'm the greatest debater in the world, I know that. But I don't care how logical and fallacy-free your debating skills may be, there's still no call to be mean. Basically, you're saying that you're impatient with everyone for how some people act. Yeah, that makes a lot of sense.
I never said that I am impatient with everyone as a result of that. I said I'm impatient with those who don't critically examine their beliefs or reject any criticism of their beliefs. In case you still don't get it, I was talking about you.

Tyeforce said:
I know how you feel when it comes to people with ignorant beliefs. In fact, I probably know it much better than you do, considering the fact that I'm gay and I have to deal with a society that, for the most part, cannot respect me for who I am and believes that my being gay is a "sin". But I'm not mean to those people. I try not to be mean to anyone. And if I ever am mean, it's because I'm stressed out and I'm not thinking straight. There is no reason to be mean to anyone at all. Being mean doesn't help anything, it can only make things worse. I know you have a nice side, Mino, as you've shown it to me before. You're very capable of being a nice guy, but often times you instead choose to get on people's bad sides. I know you feel strongly for your beliefs, but that doesn't mean you should tell people flat out that "there is no God", or any of the other things that you like to state as if it was an undeniable fact, when it's not. You may not intend to sound like you're claiming facts, but your words speak for themselves. I'd have no problem with you if you only showed your nice side, and not your ruder, seemingly ignorant of other people's opinions and feelings side.
So we're back to this, eh? I'm sure some people may find me mean, but if you are the target of my negative comments I make sure it is fair and you are deserving of it. I'm not going to stop defending my point just because you think I'm being mean to you. My tone may be "rude" as you call it, but I'd say it's more accurate to call it snide. I enjoy using humor to make a point.

The second point you made sounds almost exactly like what MrMr and you (?) were saying in that other thread earlier. Why is it not acceptable for me to say "There is no God." but a Christian can state anything they want about their beliefs and no one lifts a finger? It's not just about saying "I believe" beforehand.

Perhaps you have forgotten, but this debate began with an assault on my character, so don't forget that. If you want, at any point, you can stop replying. And for Christ's sake, put it back in the deck, would you? The gay card, that is. Don't try and get into a pissing fight over who is more victimized, please.
Mino said:
Tyeforce said:
I know how you feel when it comes to people with ignorant beliefs. In fact, I probably know it much better than you do, considering the fact that I'm gay and I have to deal with a society that, for the most part, cannot respect me for who I am and believes that my being gay is a "sin". But I'm not mean to those people. I try not to be mean to anyone. And if I ever am mean, it's because I'm stressed out and I'm not thinking straight. There is no reason to be mean to anyone at all. Being mean doesn't help anything, it can only make things worse. I know you have a nice side, Mino, as you've shown it to me before. You're very capable of being a nice guy, but often times you instead choose to get on people's bad sides. I know you feel strongly for your beliefs, but that doesn't mean you should tell people flat out that "there is no God", or any of the other things that you like to state as if it was an undeniable fact, when it's not. You may not intend to sound like you're claiming facts, but your words speak for themselves. I'd have no problem with you if you only showed your nice side, and not your ruder, seemingly ignorant of other people's opinions and feelings side.
Tyeforce said:
Okay, I'm the greatest debater in the world, I know that. But I don't care how logical and fallacy-free your debating skills may be, there's still no call to be mean. Basically, you're saying that you're impatient with everyone for how some people act. Yeah, that makes a lot of sense.
I never said that I am impatient with everyone as a result of that. I said I'm impatient with those who don't critically examine their beliefs or reject any criticism of their beliefs. In case you still don't get it, I was talking about you.

Tyeforce said:
I know how you feel when it comes to people with ignorant beliefs. In fact, I probably know it much better than you do, considering the fact that I'm gay and I have to deal with a society that, for the most part, cannot respect me for who I am and believes that my being gay is a "sin". But I'm not mean to those people. I try not to be mean to anyone. And if I ever am mean, it's because I'm stressed out and I'm not thinking straight. There is no reason to be mean to anyone at all. Being mean doesn't help anything, it can only make things worse. I know you have a nice side, Mino, as you've shown it to me before. You're very capable of being a nice guy, but often times you instead choose to get on people's bad sides. I know you feel strongly for your beliefs, but that doesn't mean you should tell people flat out that "there is no God", or any of the other things that you like to state as if it was an undeniable fact, when it's not. You may not intend to sound like you're claiming facts, but your words speak for themselves. I'd have no problem with you if you only showed your nice side, and not your ruder, seemingly ignorant of other people's opinions and feelings side.
So we're back to this, eh? I'm sure some people may find me mean, but if you are the target of my negative comments I make sure it is fair and you are deserving of it. I'm not going to stop defending my point just because you think I'm being mean to you. My tone may be "rude" as you call it, but I'd say it's more accurate to call it snide. I enjoy using humor to make a point.

The second point you made sounds almost exactly like what MrMr and you (?) were saying in that other thread earlier. Why is it not acceptable for me to say "There is no God." but a Christian can state anything they want about their beliefs and no one lifts a finger? It's not just about saying "I believe" beforehand.

Perhaps you have forgotten, but this debate began with an assault on my character, so don't forget that. If you want, at any point, you can stop replying. And for Christ's sake, put it back in the deck, would you? The gay card, that is. Don't try and get into a pissing fight over who is more victimized, please.
First of all, you and I share a lot of the same beliefs (not all, but a lot), so I don't know why you would think that I'm a target or anything. Besides, I don't let other people's beliefs bother me. It's not your points that make you seem rude, it's how you talk. You just sound cocky, rude, and, dare I say, elitist sometimes. Maybe that's not how you intend your words to sound, but that's how they sound. You're certainly not trying to be sure that you don't sound that way.

And I never said that it's okay for Christians to state that there is a God. And, yes, there is a difference between saying "There is/isn't a God" and "I believe that there isn't a God". The former is claiming a fact, while the latter is just stating your opinion. There's nothing wrong with stating opinions, but claiming things as fact that can't be proven either way is wrong. I wouldn't have a problem if you would have said "personally, I believe there isn't a God", but instead you said "hate to break it to you, but there is no God", or something along those lines. There is a very big difference, and someone as intelligent and logical as you claim to be should realize that.
PikaBolt said:
At first I thought this topic was about the kpop group called "2am" . xD
So did I ;P

@the topic: I honestly don't see the problem with debates or even arguments, it's the people that can't accept others opinions or fight too strongly for their own beliefs that cause the tension amongst members of the forum. People get into the mindset that their opinion is law and if anybody goes against that opinion, they need to be punished and then they get worked up and the aggression is spawned.

@Tye: If you actually think you're a good debater, then you're sadly mistaken. A good debater requires you to have a cool head, accept other peoples opinions and be able to properly stand up for what you're trying to convey while still being able to properly understand where the person you're debating with is coming from. The reason I'm always on your back is purely for the fact that you do none of these things and still think you're getting your point across in a good way, when in actual fact you're just stating your same one-sided, close-minded opinions over and over again.
There's no such thing as a perfect debater. That would require one to know everything so that their statements could be interpreted as facts. And we've been this before, Tye, you are one-sided, closed off to different opinions sometimes.
Jas0n said:
PikaBolt said:
At first I thought this topic was about the kpop group called "2am" . xD
So did I ;P

@the topic: I honestly don't see the problem with debates or even arguments, it's the people that can't accept others opinions or fight too strongly for their own beliefs that cause the tension amongst members of the forum. People get into the mindset that their opinion is law and if anybody goes against that opinion, they need to be punished and then they get worked up and the aggression is spawned.

@Tye: If you actually think you're a good debater, then you're sadly mistaken. A good debater requires you to have a cool head, accept other peoples opinions and be able to properly stand up for what you're trying to convey while still being able to properly understand where the person you're debating with is coming from. The reason I'm always on your back is purely for the fact that you do none of these things and still think you're getting your point across in a good way, when in actual fact you're just stating your same one-sided, close-minded opinions over and over again.
I never said I was a great debater. In fact, I just recently admitted that I don't believe that I'm a good debater. >_> And I am not close-minded, nor am I one-sided. >_>

EDIT: I went back and checked the post where I said that, and it appears that I accidentally said "I'm the greatest debater in the world" instead of "I'm not the greatest debater in the world". Yeah...slight mistake there. XD I fixed it, lol.
^Because this topic aska a lot of questions for the open minded also reading your earlier posts mino, If someone said that I really like blue and you criticised their opinion asking them why not red? And thy replied because I like blue, then they're not really reflecting on their opinions... They just stated what they honestly think and there is nothing wrong with it. So if that was the case, would you be impatient with them? I'm not challenging you to anything, I am just curious to know after reading this topic. ^.^
Nixie said:
^Because this topic aska a lot of questions for the open minded also reading your earlier posts mino, If someone said that I really like blue and you criticised their opinion asking them why not red? And thy replied because I like blue, then they're not really reflecting on their opinions... They just stated what they honestly think and there is nothing wrong with it. So if that was the case, would you be impatient with them? I'm not challenging you to anything, I am just curious to know after reading this topic. ^.^
Why the hell would I do that? Preference for something as trivial as a color is a very poor analogy to me asking people to be consistent in their assessments of people's beliefs. Or are you talking about someone's preference for video games? If so, again, it's a poor analogy for me asking someone to provide reasoning for their claims about other games or the supposed superiority of one over another.

I think you're not doing yourself any favors by posting in this topic.

And Tye, I think I've figured out why you managed to become so hated on TBT, it's because you're just like David, only you use more words. The word "sanctimonious" again comes to mind.
Mino said:
Nixie said:
^Because this topic aska a lot of questions for the open minded also reading your earlier posts mino, If someone said that I really like blue and you criticised their opinion asking them why not red? And thy replied because I like blue, then they're not really reflecting on their opinions... They just stated what they honestly think and there is nothing wrong with it. So if that was the case, would you be impatient with them? I'm not challenging you to anything, I am just curious to know after reading this topic. ^.^
Why the hell would I do that? Preference for something as trivial as a color is a very poor analogy to me asking people to be consistent in their assessments of people's beliefs. Or are you talking about someone's preference for video games? If so, again, it's a poor analogy for me asking someone to provide reasoning for their claims about other games or the supposed superiority of one over another.

I think you're not doing yourself any favors by posting in this topic.

And Tye, I think I've figured out why you managed to become so hated on TBT, it's because you're just like David, only you use more words. The word "sanctimonious" again comes to mind.
I am not sanctimonious. >_> I'm nothing like David. Don't even compare me to him. And I don't know why you think I'm "so hated" here. Yes, there are a few members who can't stand me (because they think that I'm just some Nintendo fanboy and refuse to look past that), but I'd say the majority of the active population has no problem with me. And even if they disagree with me in a debate, that doesn't mean that they hate me. For example, Mega and I clash heads here sometimes, but we're still friends.

Sometimes I get caught up in the heat of a debate and get so stressed that I say things that I normally wouldn't. And sometimes I just don't think before I post because I'm trying to post as fast as I can during a debate. I'll admit that I'm not a particularly great debater, so sometimes my posts make me sound like something I'm not. But that's not me. If you knew me in real life, I'm one of the nicest people you'd ever meet. In fact, I seem to have a problem with being too nice sometimes, lol. But when I get into heated debates on the internet, I just lose it sometimes. Don't judge me based on posts that may have come from anger or stress. But I try by best to make all of my posts logical and error free, anyway. I think that some people just can't understand that I have different preferences than other people.
Tyeforce said:
Mino said:
Nixie said:
^Because this topic aska a lot of questions for the open minded also reading your earlier posts mino, If someone said that I really like blue and you criticised their opinion asking them why not red? And thy replied because I like blue, then they're not really reflecting on their opinions... They just stated what they honestly think and there is nothing wrong with it. So if that was the case, would you be impatient with them? I'm not challenging you to anything, I am just curious to know after reading this topic. ^.^
Why the hell would I do that? Preference for something as trivial as a color is a very poor analogy to me asking people to be consistent in their assessments of people's beliefs. Or are you talking about someone's preference for video games? If so, again, it's a poor analogy for me asking someone to provide reasoning for their claims about other games or the supposed superiority of one over another.

I think you're not doing yourself any favors by posting in this topic.

And Tye, I think I've figured out why you managed to become so hated on TBT, it's because you're just like David, only you use more words. The word "sanctimonious" again comes to mind.
I am not sanctimonious. >_> I'm nothing like David. Don't even compare me to him. And I don't know why you think I'm "so hated" here. Yes, there are a few members who can't stand me (because they think that I'm just some Nintendo fanboy and refuse to look past that), but I'd say the majority of the active population has no problem with me. And even if they disagree with me in a debate, that doesn't mean that they hate me. For example, Mega and I clash heads here sometimes, but we're still friends.

Sometimes I get caught up in the heat of a debate and get so stressed that I say things that I normally wouldn't. And sometimes I just don't think before I post because I'm trying to post as fast as I can during a debate. I'll admit that I'm not a particularly great debater, so sometimes my posts make me sound like something I'm not. But that's not me. If you knew me in real life, I'm one of the nicest people you'd ever meet. In fact, I seem to have a problem with being too nice sometimes, lol. But when I get into heated debates on the internet, I just lose it sometimes. Don't judge me based on posts that may have come from anger or stress. But I try by best to make all of my posts logical and error free, anyway. I think that some people just can't understand that I have different preferences than other people.
No, don't even pretend. When I came back, all I heard was "Ahmagawd Tye said this", and "Holy *censored.2.0* Tye's such an ass." I defended you against what I thought was unfair criticism, but now it is readily apparent that you really are kind of an *censored.1.3*. It's not about getting "stressed" or "in the heat of the moment". It's not about your mindless fanboyism. It's the way you make these inane claims, and then immediately retreat behind the same rehashed excuses of self-pity and claims of victimization. And that is what's so damn annoying. You just did it again, right there in the post I'm quoting right now.

And yes, you do remind me of David. Your constant combativeness over trivial issues like video games? The way you put others down if you think what they do is wrong? That's what I'm talking about.
Mino said:
Tyeforce said:
Mino said:
Nixie said:
^Because this topic aska a lot of questions for the open minded also reading your earlier posts mino, If someone said that I really like blue and you criticised their opinion asking them why not red? And thy replied because I like blue, then they're not really reflecting on their opinions... They just stated what they honestly think and there is nothing wrong with it. So if that was the case, would you be impatient with them? I'm not challenging you to anything, I am just curious to know after reading this topic. ^.^
Why the hell would I do that? Preference for something as trivial as a color is a very poor analogy to me asking people to be consistent in their assessments of people's beliefs. Or are you talking about someone's preference for video games? If so, again, it's a poor analogy for me asking someone to provide reasoning for their claims about other games or the supposed superiority of one over another.

I think you're not doing yourself any favors by posting in this topic.

And Tye, I think I've figured out why you managed to become so hated on TBT, it's because you're just like David, only you use more words. The word "sanctimonious" again comes to mind.
I am not sanctimonious. >_> I'm nothing like David. Don't even compare me to him. And I don't know why you think I'm "so hated" here. Yes, there are a few members who can't stand me (because they think that I'm just some Nintendo fanboy and refuse to look past that), but I'd say the majority of the active population has no problem with me. And even if they disagree with me in a debate, that doesn't mean that they hate me. For example, Mega and I clash heads here sometimes, but we're still friends.

Sometimes I get caught up in the heat of a debate and get so stressed that I say things that I normally wouldn't. And sometimes I just don't think before I post because I'm trying to post as fast as I can during a debate. I'll admit that I'm not a particularly great debater, so sometimes my posts make me sound like something I'm not. But that's not me. If you knew me in real life, I'm one of the nicest people you'd ever meet. In fact, I seem to have a problem with being too nice sometimes, lol. But when I get into heated debates on the internet, I just lose it sometimes. Don't judge me based on posts that may have come from anger or stress. But I try by best to make all of my posts logical and error free, anyway. I think that some people just can't understand that I have different preferences than other people.
No, don't even pretend. When I came back, all I heard was "Ahmagawd Tye said this", and "Holy *censored.2.0* Tye's such an ass." I defended you against what I thought was unfair criticism, but now it is readily apparent that you really are kind of an *censored.1.3*. It's not about getting "stressed" or "in the heat of the moment". It's not about your mindless fanboyism. It's the way you make these inane claims, and then immediately retreat behind the same rehashed excuses of self-pity and claims of victimization. And that is what's so damn annoying. You just did it again, right there in the post I'm quoting right now.

And yes, you do remind me of David. Your constant combativeness over trivial issues like video games? The way you put others down if you think what they do is wrong? That's what I'm talking about.
You are you to tell me what's true and what isn't about me?! It is the stress that gets to me. I didn't even notice it myself until my boyfriend pointed it out. I wanted him to be more active on TBT, so he started posting more, and that was around the time when these arguments were starting to appear more and more. He noticed that, when I was posting in these arguments, I wasn't acting normal. And the stress was very apparent, because he'd be talking to me while I'm posting a reply to an argument and I'd shush him and tell him that I'm busy, or just completely ignore him, all the while biting my nails, pulling my hair, and shaking around, the three things I always do when I'm stressed. He, and everyone else I know in real life, knows what I'm really like, how kind and considerate of others I am. Don't act like you know me, because you don't. You know me through text. That's not knowing me. I sometimes get out of control here because I can't handle stress. It's not because of my "mindless fanboyism".

Honestly, you seem like you could be a really nice guy and we could really get along, but you refuse to let that happen. I'm sick of all this arguing. But I have a problem that, when there's a post directed at me, I feel like I have to reply for some reason, and move of the time I do, and it's just an endless cycle until the thread gets locked, because neither me nor the other person refuses to quit. I'm sick of it all.
Tyeforce said:
Mino said:
Tyeforce said:
Mino said:
Quoting limited to 4 levels deepother games or the supposed superiority of one over another.

I think you're not doing yourself any favors by posting in this topic.

And Tye, I think I've figured out why you managed to become so hated on TBT, it's because you're just like David, only you use more words. The word "sanctimonious" again comes to mind.
I am not sanctimonious. >_> I'm nothing like David. Don't even compare me to him. And I don't know why you think I'm "so hated" here. Yes, there are a few members who can't stand me (because they think that I'm just some Nintendo fanboy and refuse to look past that), but I'd say the majority of the active population has no problem with me. And even if they disagree with me in a debate, that doesn't mean that they hate me. For example, Mega and I clash heads here sometimes, but we're still friends.

Sometimes I get caught up in the heat of a debate and get so stressed that I say things that I normally wouldn't. And sometimes I just don't think before I post because I'm trying to post as fast as I can during a debate. I'll admit that I'm not a particularly great debater, so sometimes my posts make me sound like something I'm not. But that's not me. If you knew me in real life, I'm one of the nicest people you'd ever meet. In fact, I seem to have a problem with being too nice sometimes, lol. But when I get into heated debates on the internet, I just lose it sometimes. Don't judge me based on posts that may have come from anger or stress. But I try by best to make all of my posts logical and error free, anyway. I think that some people just can't understand that I have different preferences than other people.
No, don't even pretend. When I came back, all I heard was "Ahmagawd Tye said this", and "Holy *censored.2.0* Tye's such an ass." I defended you against what I thought was unfair criticism, but now it is readily apparent that you really are kind of an *censored.1.3*. It's not about getting "stressed" or "in the heat of the moment". It's not about your mindless fanboyism. It's the way you make these inane claims, and then immediately retreat behind the same rehashed excuses of self-pity and claims of victimization. And that is what's so damn annoying. You just did it again, right there in the post I'm quoting right now.

And yes, you do remind me of David. Your constant combativeness over trivial issues like video games? The way you put others down if you think what they do is wrong? That's what I'm talking about.
You are you to tell me what's true and what isn't about me?! It is the stress that gets to me. I didn't even notice it myself until my boyfriend pointed it out. I wanted him to be more active on TBT, so he started posting more, and that was around the time when these arguments were starting to appear more and more. He noticed that, when I was posting in these arguments, I wasn't acting normal. And the stress was very apparent, because he'd be talking to me while I'm posting a reply to an argument and I'd shush him and tell him that I'm busy, or just completely ignore him, all the while biting my nails, pulling my hair, and shaking around, the three things I always do when I'm stressed. He, and everyone else I know in real life, knows what I'm really like, how kind and considerate of others I am. Don't act like you know me, because you don't. You know me through text. That's not knowing me. I sometimes get out of control here because I can't handle stress. It's not because of my "mindless fanboyism".

Honestly, you seem like you could be a really nice guy and we could really get along, but you refuse to let that happen. I'm sick of all this arguing. But I have a problem that, when there's a post directed at me, I feel like I have to reply for some reason, and move of the time I do, and it's just an endless cycle until the thread gets locked, because neither me nor the other person refuses to quit. I'm sick of it all.
Isn't is simple? If he's such a bully to you, and makes you bite your nails and worry, just ignore him and go on. I used to get pissed over the smallest things on here, and that was what led me to be a troll back in early 2009. I left for a year, came back, and I think I'm all better. You just can't take everything to heart.
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