✿ #2


Leaf ✿ Girl
Sep 1, 2015
Throwback Tickets
Tasty Cake
L E A F G I R L [IN]
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[SUB]Yo! c: To all readers: Welcome to the 2nd entry of my New Leaf blog. ♥
I've been playing AC: NL for a little over 2 years now, but this is my first time writing/blogging about it, so please excuse me if it's a bit messy or all over the place. :'D

My town's name is Florasea and the mayor is
Maelawni (me lol). Here she is in her house:

[SUB]That's basically how she always looks when I play because I love that outfit and don't feel like changing it, even though it's winter right now and she looks super weird/out of place when she's wandering the town. xD I do sometimes switch out the lemon pack for a band-aid, but it looks good either way.[/SUB]


[SUB]Girl look c r a y , don't she? Then again, so does Nate...the cute big bear behind her. He ain't even wearing any pants! This whole town just likes to freeze to death huh? Lol.

So that she doesn't look too outta place, we went to the island...and went fishing.[/SUB]


[SUB]Yayyy. It's always nice to catch a shark, especially when you aren't really expecting to see any! :3

And then went back to Florasea to hangout with Julian, one of my cutest/prettiest villagers...

[SUB]Look, he's so impressed! He's clapping for her! Haha.
Would have talked to more villagers, but they were all outside (I wanna show their house). :c
Especially Lily or Genji, since I love them. Oh well, hopefully they'll make an appearance next time.
But I did go to a random dream town and got to meet Phoebe (one of my dream villagers).

[SUB]And even Celia, the prettiest eagle!! *o*[/SUB]


[SUB]Hahaha, I guess that's about it! As you can see, I don't really do anything "productive" when I play my game. Not much. I just like wandering around, buying stuff from stores sometimes when there's something good (nothing today) and doing random things. Maybe in the future though, because I am planning on redesigning my town layout! >w<

And, one last thing before I go...I'd like to show you my next side character - Jinleaƒ!! He didn't really make an appearance today, but I did play his account yesterday when the Festivale was happening. Went to the beach and then watched the waterfall while confetti flew everywhere. Sooo prettyy. ♥


Anyway, I'll post more on him next time. Hopefully my next entry will be a bit more organized (with pics being same size). See ya soon and thank you for reading! As always, feel free to leave comments and if you'd like to add me to play together, let me know! Thank you. ♥[/SUB]

~ Leaf Girl
Acnl_starfall;bt12352 said:
ur town is so cool, its great to see someone making new leaf blogs again :D

Ahh, thank you! *o*
I'm glad you think so! And yeah, definitely. I notice not many people use the blog feature (now), which is a shame. ~_~
I'm so jealous that you've got Julian! I'm not even that into unicorns but I love that they had a unicorn in New Leaf. Maybe in the next game they'll have a dragon. *fingers crossed*
Brooke_the_Phoenix;bt12365 said:
I'm so jealous that you've got Julian! I'm not even that into unicorns but I love that they had a unicorn in New Leaf. Maybe in the next game they'll have a dragon. *fingers crossed*

Ahhh, I resetted so many times in order to get him haha! I think it was 2 days straight and then the next morning was when he finally showed up in my town. xD
But yeah, he's super adorable...and he's a UNICORN! Haha.
And really?! I heard the villager Drago is based off a dragon, which is why he's so popular. You should check him out then! You might really like him! :0