2014 Staff Applications are now open

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What if you're turning 15 in a few months ヽ(;▽;)ノ
Bahhhh i don't think i've been on here long enough. I think i've been here for maybe 5 and a half months. . .? But i'll definetly be applying next year if i'm still on here!
How many months can you be on here minimum before you can apply? I mean I already sent mine in, I'm just wondering.
How many months can you be on here minimum before you can apply? I mean I already sent mine in, I'm just wondering.

We're not giving a number aside from what's listed already in the first post. There is no exact x amount of time rule we go by, we're more-so setting expectations since we typically don't promote members who haven't been around for a good amount of time. (aka, don't waste your time filling out an application when you've just joined yesterday) Does that make sense?
We're not giving a number aside from what's listed already in the first post. There is no exact x amount of time rule we go by, we're more-so setting expectations since we typically don't promote members who haven't been around for a good amount of time. (aka, don't waste your time filling out an application when you've just joined yesterday) Does that make sense?

Makes perfect sense. Thanks, Justin!
I'm not older enough yet but I will apply next year, I think that's better too as I will be more to grips with the forum. I may make a couple of recommendations though so let's see
Eh I was going to sign up but I think I've used up more than a life-time worth of administrator/moderator sustainability over the years on many other forums.

Restock ALL the items and raise their prices by 9000%
I've spoken to Kaiaa and Jennifer several times, I think I've spoken to Justin once in IRC?

I have an important question. I'm going to be moving to Europe in a few months, will that effect my chances any?
Have we? :eek: I've seen you around a lot, but I've never had the courage to talk to you ;A;

I think it was just an off-hand comment really, but still counts!

I've spoken to Kaiaa and Jennifer several times, I think I've spoken to Justin once in IRC?

I have an important question. I'm going to be moving to Europe in a few months, will that effect my chances any?

hell yeah it will we're in AMERICA

(but nah it shouldn't be a problem)
Hello :) I've meant to say this for a while, but I love your signature so much *3*

Thanks! I made an Ariel one for someone else a little while ago too. Hoping to make a series of Disney ones like it. :)
I'd say it would be pretty cool if the next mods are from Asia/Africa/Australia/Europe. I think all mods are in North America?
I think that'd be beneficial to the forum to have more diversity in the staff as well as it is better for modding in different timezones, because most of the staff being in NA cannot mod all the time, and their times might not fit other timezones. That'd make the staff vastly more efficient.

Anyway, I'm not applying as I have a forum to administrate, and good luck to anyone applying!
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I'd say it would be pretty cool if the next mods are from Asia/Africa/Australia/Europe. I think all mods are in North America?
I think that'd be beneficial to the forum to have more diversity in the staff as well as it is better for modding in different timezones, because most of the staff being in NA cannot mod all the time, and their times might not fit other timezones. That'd make the staff vastly more efficient.

Anyway, I'm not applying as I have a forum to administrate, and good luck to anyone applying!
There is a mod in Europe
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