2017 Trends that need to be stopped

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Yes, yes and yes! Personally I'd draw the line at trilogies.

Trilogies ain't so hot either. It may work with stuff like Star Wars and Lord of the Rings, but it did not work with Shrek or Ice Age. For stuff like Shrek or Cars, once is enough. Toy Story was good with 3 at least.
People need to stop looking for things to get offended by.

idk if this is towards me but i never get offended by anything others like to each their own its just something i copied from a youtube video sorry if i offended you. just trying to make a post and get some tbt before i start my job and have no time to.

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if people are arguing im sorry if i started something?? i cant keep up and read this all ive been so busy this was meant to be for fun:(((
I'm not sure it's 2017, probably not, but I don't get "pineapple" mania

I just watched a video earlier that was a mod of SM64, where they took Mario's head and replaced it with a fidget spinner that's actually fully functional and spins.

They called it Super Fidget Spinner 64.

Then they discussed how much of a social impact these spinners have on society. How soom there will be movies and sitcoms based on it. How there are already so many games and apps based on it.

The madness needs to stop.
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I just watched a video earlier that was a mod of SM64, where they took Mario's head and replaced it with a fidget spinner that's actually fully functional and spins.

They called it Super Fidget Spinner 64.

Then they discussed how much of a social impact these spinners have on society. How soom there will be movies and sitcoms based on it. How there are already so many games and apps based on it.

The madness needs to stop.

movies?? sitcoms? about a fidget spinner??
theyd actually help my adhd... but this ****s more of a toy now than anything so i dont want one:/
maybe when the hype is over i will.
i seen one at walmart and seen them by the check out where you buy cigarettes, it says what they're useful for... at least walmart gets it... it was never meant to be a toy.
Fights. Physical Fights.

Can someone please explain why the hell some people are interested in this? Like it's something I see that is ridiculous.
Disagreeing with something automatically makes it a phobia, "islam is a religion of peace", hate speech is a thing (ugh get over it whinney babies), safe spaces (Seriously? How old are you?), slut walks (Just... commit seppuku), glorifying single motherhood, "cisgender" (You mean 99% of the population? Do we really need a term for that?), men's rights = sexist (Double standard much?), MGTOW (Not all women are nuts, guys), feminism (that one's dying off finally yay), caking your face in **** every day = beauty (we all know your face doesn't really look like that), "triggered" (You don't have ptsd... shut up), black lives matter (is trash) and millions of genders (pffffffff okay).

i really hate the fact that i feel scared to say things like this, in fear of ostracisztion, and yet the left thinks they're the ones who are 'oppressed'
the abuse of highlighter like????you don't slay with this kind of makeup

i don't mind if ppl do makeup they can do what they want but????????? seriously???? Why is highlighter even a thing being THAT extra isn't good sweaties
6 political trends rant

-the trend of throwing science into oncoming traffic when it comes to gender but suddenly becoming science experts when it comes to global warming....honey wha t

-the trend of hating trump with no legitimate reason other than 'because my fav celebrity does'

-the trend of advocating for lgbt empowerment and also supporting islam (52% of which, in london, believe lgbt people should be jailed/killed). where is the logic. 11 arab countries which have integrated church and state, ie sharia law (iran, saudi, UAE, afghanistan, yemen, mauritania, somalia, nigeria, iraq, pakistan, sudan) have being gay as punishable by death.

-millennial socialism/communism in its entirety. see venezuela, in fiscal crisis due to socialist practices. whos going to pay for all these handouts? the hardest working 80% of U.S. millionaires who are 1st generation rich? (didnt inherit their wealth, actually worked for it) the american dream didnt come about by being handed everything, its the possibility to be successful through work-ethic and business.

-the trend of thinking minorities cant be racist or that you cant be racist to white people. they claim to want equality, yet take action to create more division than previously existent. im sick of people thinking equality=special treatment for social groups who have been collectively wronged in the past. American segregation in the mid-1900s placed mostly black people (and a few others) at a heavy disadvantage, and civil marches were practiced in order to establish equality. a collective mindset of equality amongst people on a human level is how western civilization has thrived, along with the encouragement of free thought and innovation. to place certain groups up on pedestals thus reverses the progress of social equality.

-thinking cultural appropriation exists,,simply sharing 'culture' isnt appropriating, nor is it harmful. 'race culture' is not a thing. race is biological, and determines nothing about a person other than some physical factors. race culture isnt a thing. its impossible for all people of one race to share particular customs. culture is practiceable by anyone, and is more so tied to ethnicity but even then its still pretty loose.

also have a wholesome argument before you discredit my claims. thanks.
Pink eyeshadow around the eyes
Some girls pull it off and it looks dang good but most girls look like they got a mad eye infection going on.
Women's pants having ridiculously small pockets or worse, fake & no pockets.

Women's sizes differing per store makes shopping incredibly painful. I love to shop but good lord, I'd save so much time if things were sized consistently.
fidget spinners.

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Pink eyeshadow around the eyes
Some girls pull it off and it looks dang good but most girls look like they got a mad eye infection going on.

omfg this too
it looks like , they got punched in the face so hard and they have a ****ing eye infection , at this point they should put fake blood on it
Women's pants having ridiculously small pockets or worse, fake & no pockets.

Women's sizes differing per store makes shopping incredibly painful. I love to shop but good lord, I'd save so much time if things were sized consistently.


Also, why do dresses not have built in bras? It's annoying to have two sets of straps going on. As well, why on earth are they so see through? The see throughness goes for any women's clothes tbh. Everything is so paper thin, you have to layer. It's awful.

Honestly, women have it the worst when it comes to shopping for clothes.

Also, why do dresses not have built in bras? It's annoying to have two sets of straps going on. As well, why on earth are they so see through? The see throughness goes for any women's clothes tbh. Everything is so paper thin, you have to layer. It's awful.

Honestly, women have it the worst when it comes to shopping for clothes.

Honestly! I wish dresses had built-in bras. A lot of dresses keep getting more complicated to dress into, especially the ones without zippers. They're so cute but it's a curse. v.v

I was so shocked to see long skirts that were entirely see-through & they charge 20+ bucks? Like what's the point of that?

Lately, I've been going to the men's section for jeans. The jeans may look less cute but at least you can fit stuff.
Women's pants having ridiculously small pockets or worse, fake & no pockets.

Women's sizes differing per store makes shopping incredibly painful. I love to shop but good lord, I'd save so much time if things were sized consistently.

If only this were merely a 2017 trend.

Sadly it's been around forever.
If only this were merely a 2017 trend.

Sadly it's been around forever.

Very true. v.v I love purses but sometimes I like not having to carry anything.
Women's pants having ridiculously small pockets or worse, fake & no pockets.

There's this funny conspiracy theory stating that the reason why the pockets are so small in female jeans is because it's so they can go waste their money buying purses.
Trends involving people thinking they are better than everyone else ��
There's this funny conspiracy theory stating that the reason why the pockets are so small in female jeans is because it's so they can go waste their money buying purses.

I believe it tbh. The worst offenders are fake pockets. D:
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