23andMe DNA Test Results Are Here!!

Lol at the people saying "I don't want them to have my DNA!" sound like Karens. That's kind of like a conspiracy theory and really more applicable to the shadier genetic testing companies (see the story about the person whose DNA was used to connect a murderer. But why wouldn't you want to help catch a murderer?) Honestly, what would they really do with it too? Who benefits by like knowing you have some disease or predisposition without telling you....

23andMe are very clear about what they do and do not do with your DNA in their informed consent piece, so you can look at it before signing up to calm any concerns before doing it if interested. Its very easily shown on their website, I found it in 20 seconds. If you're not interested in the first place, then ok cool, why fluster other people about it who are interested.

23andMe only shares this with the providers you say and their providers necessary to make the report that YOU request (Ancestry plus or minus health related). If you consent to it they will use your DE-IDENTIFIED report (take away anything that could be used to relate back to you) for correlation research studies, but you are in control of what they do. This is because we have still so much to learn about genetics that having a huge database of people can be helpful in classifying some things in the future, more personalized medicine. The main taker on this would be like drug companies, but again they don't get your name/ location/ DOB/ etc. just like your medical history (Caucasian female 40 yo with breast cancer and diabetes for example) and DNA sequence. Or they use it themselves to publish articles that again, benefit the scientific community as a whole. However you can easily opt out of this through the informed consent piece of their sign up process, if you read through it... if you don't then thats on you. 23andMe doesn't dump your info into public databases even, but even these are harmless and de-identified, I use them in my job to give me more information on uncertain results which are common in the type of genetic testing i run for people. 23andMe is big and reputable enough they don't do anything sketchy and probably make more than enough money that they wouldn't jeopardize their integrity and public status for something like blackmarket selling of DNA (which idk if thats really a thing).

My main gripe with them is what I posted first in this thread and don't communicate what you actually learn and how to use their test, which can give my more definitive testing a weird rep.... but their handling of patient information is fine

For Americans, there is a law the genetic information non-discrimination act (GINA for short) that prevents health insurance companies from using any genetic test results to change/ make you pay more/ or drop you from insurance so you are protected. Life insurance/ long term care/ and disability insurance are not covered by that, but any current policy is covered. However something like 23andMe is usually just between you and them, so if you do it and never report it to the insurance company or your like primary care physicians, then no insurance will probably ever get a hold of it.
I read your full argument, and I see where you're coming from. I agree with you on quite a few points.

If you're happy about your DNA test- good for you! Be happy, I'm not trying to steal that. That's your prerogative and your life choice.

But I, personally, don't trust these kinds of organizations anymore. It's my own opinion to not use them, and it's my opinion to state why and how I think it's a bad idea to use them.

Lol at the people saying "I don't want them to have my DNA!" sound like Karens.

Though I will say that the whole 'Karen' statement was a little silly. We are not 'Karens'- we are people with differing opinions, even if they are on the more orthodox side. I say this respectively.
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Curious to see OP's results!

I know I'm a mutt so I don't see any reason to do one. I guess if someone gave me one as a gift, I would do it!
I'm kind of interested in why some of my fellow mutts did one? Just for funsys? I can understand that.
I always figured the health thing was a total crock, but I could see the background thing being at least variably close.

I do agree that it feels kind of weird sending your DNA in somewhere (I sent in my DNA to register for bone marrow transplants), but it's just a personal/informed choice we can all make. The documentation is there, so I wouldn't worry about sending it in to 23&M either (like I said, I would do an ancestry one if it got gifted to me).

My boyfriend is adopted and I would be genuinely curious to see what his came out as... He really has no clue what he is (none of us do) but I don't know if it would really make him feel any better. I think he'd be insulted if I got him one of these tests. Which I wouldn't do :X
I read your full argument, and I see where you're coming from. I agree with you on quite a few points.

If you're happy about your DNA test- good for you! Be happy, I'm not trying to steal that. That's your prerogative and your life choice.

But I, personally, don't trust these kinds of organizations anymore. It's my own opinion to not use them, and it's my opinion to state why and how I think it's a bad idea to use them.

Though I will say that the whole 'Karen' statement was a little silly. We are not 'Karens'- we are people with differing opinions, even if they are on the more orthodox side. I say this respectively.

I roll my eyes when like my friends tell me this irl. I obviously am professional when patients say it. I get it’s a different opinion, and you’re entitled to say or do what you want, but when people just staunchly say that in the face of lots of evidence, that’s when I use my right to make my own opinion to call someone a karen in a lax setting. Is it wide and generalized opinion? yes, but so is assuming all companies like this and genetic testing is corrupt and not worth it when it can be super helpful, therapeutic, and fun for people. And when people are saying it to disparage or discourage those who may be excited, again that’s a very karen thing. Maybe that’s not your intention, but it can come across that way.
And when people are saying it to disparage or discourage those who may be excited, again that’s a very karen thing. Maybe that’s not your intention, but it can come across that way.

I understand that.

On a lighter note, I'm beginning to pity the actual Karens out there. lol
23andMe is big and reputable enough they don't do anything sketchy and probably make more than enough money that they wouldn't jeopardize their integrity and public status for something like blackmarket selling of DNA (which idk if thats really a thing).

Me: walking down the street minding my own business

Some guy in a dark alley nearby: “Hey, kid.”

Me: “Me?”

Some guy in a dark alley nearby: “Yeah you. You want some... DNA? I’m selling it.”


All jokes aside, nah, I haven’t done this yet, but I’m pretty sure I’m just a mixture of some European countries and Native American. :’)

I know its very easy to look at people who are skeptical of this technology as misinformed conspiracists, but to that I would say that's not always necessarily the case. I also have a degree in Genetics like you so I'm aware of most of the points you've made here, i would still stick by my perspective of not wanting to give my DNA over to a private company. I know there is not much they can do with the raw data itself anyway, but even the fact of it sitting there stored in a private server somewhere just for the purpose of making somebody money so i can see if i'm like 11.3% italian or something just doesn't sit well with me haha. and as a point you made i wouldn't even trust the results when i got them back, so it all just seems like a waste of time and privacy to me

I actually wasn't aware it was de-identified and used in research studies with permission - i think that's a great aspect of it! so thanks for mentioning that :lemon:.

your point about "why fluster other people about it who are interested.", i guess i would say that this is a forum, the very nature of which is to discuss your opinions. the post is about a topic and people have given their views. everyone is entitled to that, no?
your point about "why fluster other people about it who are interested.", i guess i would say that this is a forum, the very nature of which is to discuss your opinions. the post is about a topic and people have given their views. everyone is entitled to that, no?

Yes but I think there is a difference between "hey I would watch out sending your DNA to private companies because X Y Z" and just saying "I would never do something like that" which the latter kinda implies someone is crazy or dumb for doing that, when that should not be the case. I don't think you or most people have done that, but I would hate for someone to resent their results if interested due to someone else just being opinionated. And if you can drop your opinion on your genetic test then I can advocate my side, especially when I have dealt with people telling me I'm crazy for putting people through what I do (but I've also helped a lot of people, so it doesn't get to me)

I probably am biased in the sense a little bit too as I am actively walking people through the genetic testing process so of course I'm gonna advocate for genetic testing. Granted what I do is facilitate it for like cancer-related predispositions that have clear action should someone be positive, vs these direct-to-consumer tests reports are not as black and white.
Me: walking down the street minding my own business

Some guy in a dark alley nearby: “Hey, kid.”

Me: “Me?”

Some guy in a dark alley nearby: “Yeah you. You want some... DNA? I’m selling it.”


All jokes aside, nah, I haven’t done this yet, but I’m pretty sure I’m just a mixture of some European countries and Native American. :’)

Okay literally this one time at night a man in a trench coat came up to me when I was walking home from school and he asked for a jar of my spit. He provided the jar, and I don't know why I agreed...but I did. This was without a doubt the weirdest memory of my life. I don't know what he did with my "DNA" but uh....yea lol
Okay literally this one time at night a man in a trench coat came up to me when I was walking home from school and he asked for a jar of my spit. He provided the jar, and I don't know why I agreed...but I did. This was without a doubt the weirdest memory of my life. I don't know what he did with my "DNA" but uh....yea lol

You flippin' gave him your spit.

Wow. lol
I would love the opportunity to do this someday! I hope you learn some interesting things about your heritage!
I know someone who did several tests (from different companies) and got different results, the percentages was either slightly different or other info changed, like in one she had Finnish, in another she didn't but had Jewish she hadn't in others.

I didn't do it but according to the family tree I'm mostly of French descent, then German, with some native ancestors but it was several generations ago so I doubt it's in my DNA. Ppl can lie on records but most of my family stayed in the same area for more than 400 years and there was not a lot of tourists or immigrants, they stayed in villages where everybody were of European descent, especially French. So I don't really expect surprises.

One of my uncle did it with Ancestry but got mainly British, which is either a mistake or a maybe a bad new since there is no British people in the family tree for 13 generations. There was also no English people in that village or any other villages around. My Grandma never traveled either. Mystery.
Ooooh I'm so excited! I just did the test yesterday and I'm gonna send in the results hopefully today and see what I get. As far as I know, I am a purebred Chinese so anything other than Chinese in my DNA is going to seriously shock me lol.

Anyone else done this before? Share your results? :3
You should never give away this information to third parties. It's scammy and not scientifically correct.
I think these tests are so cool, I would love to find out my ancestry. im german on my dads side and hispanic/latina on my moms side. since hispanic/latina is more of a ethnicity than "race" I would love to know what races I am from that side. like im guessing probably a mixture of Spanish from Spain and Native American or something idk. ive always wondered if there was some Asian in there, since my mom and I often get mistaken for being East Asian, or sometimes Pacific Islander...
It is probably too last to post this, but I'll say it anyways. The cold hard truth is, you cannot know your ancestry based on these tests. Even though these tests might appear to be very accurate, you cannot trust a lot of them, specially when you're not of predominant European descent.

When your parent's DNA combine to create your genetic material, only certain aspects of each parent are represented in your DNA, so a lot of your parent's DNA is discarded when your own combination of DNA is created. What this means is that DNA tests don't represent all of your ancestry, only the part that you inherited. This is why, for example, when siblings take these tests they get different results, even though they should get the same because they have the same ancestors. So yeah, these tests are not that trustworthy.