Giveaway 30 Black Roses to give away

Asil Ellehcim

Mar 24, 2021
100% (1) +
I also have a lot of random flowers growing throughout my island. Every color of every species (with the exception of purple hyacinths which I’m trying to breed at the moment.) If you want to come dig these up, let me know and I’ll open the gate. It only takes 2 black roses to breed a gold, but if you take 3, then you can have 2 for breeding golds, and one to clone itself so you get more blacks.

I only ask that you do not dig up any gold flowers, any that are in a formal garden setting, or planted in dirt next to the houses. I’ve put fences around the others I want to keep, so anything not falling into those categories is fair game.
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Hi there, I am looking for any spare black roses. I've already managed to breed 4 black roses and 2 golds, but I'm looking for more black roses to decorate with.

Please let me know if you'd want to trade for them, or a few of them to help speed up my progress of growing blacks. 😊

I was also offering to buy or trade for black roses on another thread, so if you have a wishlist or anything, let me know what you're looking for! 😊
Hi there, I am looking for any spare black roses. I've already managed to breed 4 black roses and 2 golds, but I'm looking for more black roses to decorate with.

Please let me know if you'd want to trade for them, or a few of them to help speed up my progress of growing blacks. 😊

I was also offering to buy or trade for black roses on another thread, so if you have a wishlist or anything, let me know what you're looking for! 😊

You are more than welcome to the black roses. The. Only thing I really need or am looking for are a few DIY. If you don’t have them, no problem, you can still have the roses.

DIY I’m looking for:
Taurus bathtub
Capricorn ornament
Aries rocking chair
Mush log
Mum cushion
Tree’s Bounty lamp
Leaf stool

Let me know if you are still interested and I’ll send you a Dodo
Sorry, I should have edited my reply. Someone was kind enough to gift me enough roses for what I needed. Thank you so much though!

I checked your DIYs anyway, and unfortunately don't have any. Good luck! 😊