1. What is my dog's name? [Hint:Male]: Buster?
2. What is my second town's name? [Hint:Cervidae]: Chervidae lol
3. What is my favorite band? [Hint: British]: The Beatles or the Rolling Stones
4. What is my specific favorite food? [Hint: Not Pizza]: Pasta?
5. I'm thinking of a number 1-10,000, what number is it?: 23
6. Who is my favorite villager? [Hint: Not Marshal]: Ch?vre? Rosie? Lol, I have no clue
7. What is my favorite video game? [Hint: Not Nintendo]: Microsoft?
8. What is my favorite TV show? [Hint: Not a reality TV show]: Naruto lol? IDK
9. What is my favorite movie? [Hint: Came out before 2000]: The Goonies ( I can't think of anything >.<)
10. What is my favorite animal? [Hint: Chased me when I was five years old, gave me nightmares.]: Wolf