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3D or not 3D? That is the question...

3D or not 3D?

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I tried it with the 3D and ended up with a splitting headache. Not to mention the 3D burns out my battery like crazy, so keeping the 3D off for this game.
The quality looks much worse with the 3D off, and the 3D doesn't bother my eyes in the slightest, so 3D on.
3D! I played all last night with the 3D on and loved it. When I'm not playing at home I'll have it off as I won't have a charger ready if it dies, but at home, 3D.
I can't actually see 3D ^^;; so I don't use it. I can see it a bit with some games (like Animal Crossing), but it hurts my eyes, so I still don't use it :p
I never, ever use the 3D crap on any game that I play for the 3DS. It brings death to my pupils.
I have the 3D on slightly. All the way up kinda bothers me. ;/

I also see no difference in quality on my XL with it on or off tbh.
Sometimes I switch to 2D just to compare. I really love 3D, it doesn't add that much in a way, and in another way, it add so much to me :)
I have the 3D off. I turned it on for like one minute but it just seemed annoying. The game looks great as it, don't need to pump the 3D into it IMO
I've decided not to use the 3D for this game. I've tried it for a few minutes, but it just doesn't look right to me. I like the classic 2D effects of the previous games so I'm sticking to that.
Another reason/issue I have with the 3D effects is accuracy. The system's supposed to be held at a specific eye level and distance, but I tend to move my 3DS around a lot while playing, making the images bounce everywhere or appear to have blurry outlines which can get annoying to look at after awhile.
i have terrible eyesight, and its a bit sensitive, i do it for about 10 secs when i think something looks cool, like when katrina reads your fortune but other than that i cant handle it
I always play with the 3D slider turned all the way up, I love it, and the 3D looks so natural to me that every so often I'll have to turn the 3D off just for a second to remind myself how 2D looks.
the poll is rigged. Where is the inbetween option. I don'y use 3D 100% of the time. But when I do use 3D mode the game is so beautiful.
The game is beautiful with 3D. I turn it off if I'm running around a lot and leave it on if I'm doing things like fishing, bug catching or walking around talking to people (otherwise I'd get motion sick). I think this is one of the few games on the 3DS that really shines with the 3D on.
I don't use 3D for Animal Crossing, and the same goes for my other 3D games. To be honest, it gives me a headache, even after using 3D for just a minute or two. But the few times I do use 3D, I put it on the lowest amount possible.