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3DS Games: Do You Prefer Physical or Digital Copies?


Salmon Run Survivalist
Aug 17, 2013
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Do you prefer to buy and own physical or digital copies of 3DS games?

I'm personally on the fence on this topic. A year a ago I'd totally say physical, but now I've been buying more digital games though it really does depend on the game.

When it comes to Pokemon, Animal Crossing and Mario Kart for some weird reason I prefer physical copies. I also prefer physicals for games I'm not sure I'll like, that way I could always sell them later. For example if I ever get Smash Bros 3DS I'll buy it as a physical copy as I've never really played a Smash Bros game before.

Now, as of late I've been preferring digital copies of games, as there's less stuff to lose and lug around, plus I have a huge SD card now that I'll likely never fill. I also find it easier to just snag a game it off the eshop rather than having to physically go out to a store and buy the game, that is if the store even has it, you know the eshop won't ever "run out of copies". I've also found a few deals going digital too such as Luigi's Mansion Dark Moon during cyber deals or Virtual console Super Mario Galaxy 2 for Wii on Wii U. Of course deals for physical copies always exist too.

To be honest gaming is going all digital more and more all the time and will soon only be digital, but there's just something special about having a physical copy.
Physical Games:

Pokemon X
Pokemon Alpha Sapphire
Animal Crossing New Leaf
Mario Kart 7
Mario Party: Island Tour
Nintendogs + Cats

Harvest Moon A New Beginning
Rune Factory 4
Luigi's Mansion: Dark Moon
Tomodachi Life
Fantasy Life
Donkey Kong Country Returns 3D
Pokemon Art Academy
As you can see I have approx. as many physical as digital games. I also used to own a physical copy of Pokemon Y, but I sold it a few weeks ago.
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I MUCH prefer physical copies. I mourn the day when the game industry goes all digital...

Here are my reasons:

1) Physical games allow me to resell if I want (not that I ever have, but I suppose I could if I wanted)
2) I love seeing all my game boxes lined up, and all my cartridges in my club nintendo game holder :)
3) I don't trust digital copies.
4) I can share hard copy games.
5) I like to only pay cash as much as I can... and if I buy digital, I have to buy eshop credit/use a credit card

There are probably a dozen other reasons but those are the main ones that came to mind.
I'm leaning more towards digital copies over physical copies. I mean don't get me wrong, I love physical copies too but man, digital has some pretty good benefits to it. This is what I can think of off the top of my head at the moment:

-Physical copy of the game for those who love their cartridges.
-If your SD card fails on you, no matter. Your save file is on the cartridge.
-Can be cheaper then eShop when said game is on sale at Bestbuy, Walmart etc.
-Comes with a cartridge box and small booklet in the cartridge box
-Don't have to download the game after purchase
-Can resell the game afterwards when you're done or if you didn't like the game at all
-Can lend the game to a friend or family member

Physical Cons:
-More Luggage if you plan to bring multiple games around. This can be countered if you have a cartridge 3x3 box.
-Can get lost in endless piles of clothes or someone can steal it along with the precious cartridge box
-If you lose your 3DS, you lose the game in the cartridge as well. 1Game+1SaveFile vs 0Games+AllSaveFiles. Pick your choice.

-Convenience, carry around less luggage (somewhat countered if you own that cartridge carrier thing on Club Nintendo)
-Easy to buy, everything is on the eShop. No more travels to the store to get your games. Basically for lazy people like me.
-Can be cheaper then stores, depends on the game and if its on sale
-Games will always be on the eShop, stores will eventually stop stocking old games
-Only way to get Virtual Games if that is your thing
-Icons. Lots of Icons, the new virtual relative of the good ol' cartridge collecting days.
-If you lose your physical copy of the game or if someone steals your 3DS, there goes whatever game attached in the cartridge slot, while if you lose your 3DS. You can re-download the games (although you do lose all your save files, but at least you didn't lose whatever the game was in the cartridge slot of the 3DS!)

Digital Cons:
-If you have a bad internet plan, well. You'll be downloading the game for ages and we haven't even gotten into bandwidth problems yet.
-If your SDHC corrupts, you lose all your save files on the SDHC
-If Nintendo decides to do something to their terms and agreements, you could potentially lose your games from Nintendo Network (though I strongly doubt something like this will happen)

I'll edit along the way if I can think of anything else I might have missed.
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I'm leaning more towards digital copies over physical copies. I mean don't get me wrong, I love physical copies too but man, digital has some pretty good benefits to it. This is what I can think of off the top of my head at the moment:

-Physical copy of the game for those who love their cartridges.
-If your SD card fails on you, no matter. Your save file is on the cartridge.
-Can be cheaper then eShop when said game is on sale at Bestbuy, Walmart etc.
-Comes with a cartridge box and small booklet in the cartridge box
-Don't have to download the game after purchase
-Can resell the game afterwards when you're done or if you didn't like the game at all

-Convenience, carry around less luggage (somewhat countered if you own that cartridge carrier thing on Club Nintendo)
-Easy to buy, everything is on the eShop. No more travels to the store to get your games. Basically for lazy people like me.
-Can be cheaper then stores, depends on the game and if its on sale
-Games will always be on the eShop, stores will eventually stop stocking old games

I'll edit along the way if I can think of anything else I might have missed.

Some very good points, I agree both options have their pros and cons. I guess that's why my collection is a mixture of both. I grab the in store deals or cyber deals when I can, buy physicals of the games that I want physicals of and digitals for when I'm lazy or have trouble finding a game in stores such as back when I wanted Harvest Moon A New Beginning.

Another idea for the Club Nintendo Game holder. I have one of those but it's nearly full of my favourite DS games and physical 3DS games. I'll soon have no more space in that case so digital copies are helpful in that respect too. As I'm almost out of space even with the game case.
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Some very good points, I agree both options have their pros and cons. I guess that's why my collection is a mixture of both. I grab the in store deals or cyber deals when I can, buy physicals of the games that I want physicals of and digitals for when I'm lazy or have trouble finding a game in stores such as back when I wanted Harvest Moon A New Beginning.

Another idea for the Club Nintendo Game holder. I have one of those but it's nearly full of my favourite DS games and physical 3DS games. I'll soon have no more space in that case so digital copies are helpful in that respect too. As I'm almost out of space even with the game case.

Very good point, I forgot that despite the Game Holder having quite a few slots in them, if you have a LOT of games then you'll need multiple cartridge holders. I've updated my list in a way. There's lots of reasons to go Physical or Digital. Now that I re-read the post, I actually am split between both as well currently.

Physical: Animal Crossing New Leaf, Mario Kart 7, New Super Mario Bros 2,Donkey Kong Country Returns 3D, Zelda: A Link Between Worlds, Pokemon X and Pokemon Y
Digital: Animal Crossing New Leaf, Super Mario 3D Land (600 coins code), Etrian Odyssey IV, Etrian Odyssey Untold: The Millenium Girl and Fire Emblem: Awakening

For me, I think the deciding factor of physical copy or digital copy is mainly if I know I'll keep the game forever or not. Like for Fire Emblem, I know that's a game I have no intentions of selling but DK Country Returns + Zelda: A Link Between Worlds are two games that I don't intend to keep. Both are great games, its just that I did not enjoy them as much as others have.
I like physical copies because they are a cool keepsake! Also years from now some of the less popular games probably won't be available to buy on future systems and impossible to get if the digital shop closes on the old system.
I've been pretty much a fan of digital copies of games since Wii Shop Channel first appeared back in late 2006, mainly because I don't have to worry carrying too many discs/cartridges along with the console. This is especially true for every portable Nintendo console since DSi, since it would compromise a lot of portability.
Another advantage is that there's no concerns of shortage unlike their physical counterpart. Heck, I won't even need to waste even more gaz just to get video games, especially while I'm still living in the middle of nowhere that are only guaranteed to sell the most mainstream games with relatively limited stock.
I also hardly sell games, because I can't make more than 5$ CAD a pop unless if I resort to eBay, but that's too much of hassle for me to set my account that way. Might as well keep the games forever, even if some of them are pretty terrible.

With the advent of digital manuals and Internet being available at almost any time, game cases and manuals are pretty much meaningless to me and do tend to take space in my shelf, since I don't often glance at them anyway. Unless if I end up having a large gaming room, I have to be careful on how many retail games I store at the moment, or else my rooms will feel cramped.
I used to prefer physical copies over digital, until this past year when I started to get more digital games. It started with last year's Platinum CN rewards. I was going to get Donkey Kong Country Returns 3D, and then I saw that it would take up the entirety of my 4GB SD card. That's when I got a 32 GB card and started to get more digital stuff.

I like digital gaming a lot because there are certain games that I want that aren't in stock anywhere. I don't have a debit/credit card of my own so I can't buy them off the internet. There's also less to lug around. I think now I'm only going to get physical copies if there are pre-order incentives or cool things that come with the game, like how Persona Q came with tarot cards and Theatrhythm Curtain Call came with a CD.
I prefer physical. It'll be nice to have the boxes as memories of a time when it was relevant, same as previous gens. Although I don't dislike digital, I only have 1 retail 3DS game as a digital and that's Kid Icarus Uprising because of Club Nintendo. I only aim for digital if that's the only form it comes in, virtual console included.
Ouch! Tuff subject...

I prefer physical copies because...
If your 3DS breaks then you lose the games that your bought.
If you sell your 3DS to have money to buy ummm let's say the New 3DS, then you can't keep the games.
The game's memory doesn't take space in the 3DS

I like digital copies because...
You can't lose the cartridge (not that it happened to me, *knocks on wood*)
You don't have a bunch of cartridges to keep with your 3DS all of the time.
You can buy it anytime you want.
For me physical.

My main reason why is... if the price is the same then I would rather have the physical copy. I feel like more money is spent into the physical copy, especially for the actual hardware that holds the game versus just a file. So to me I get more "bang for my buck".

I feel this way for books as well. If the etext price is the same as the actual book, then I'm going to buy the book. I'm paying for them to manufacture it-for the same price as me downloading it.

If digital was cheaper I would go for digital. I feel like digital copies should be cheaper anyways, there is no hardware or actual physical manufacturing going on.

(This isn't about the actual creation of the game, just the after process to get it to us as the consumer)
I have all physical copies of 3DS games. The only non-physical games I have I got from being an ambassador and downloaded them for free.

I like physical copies because I've always had physical copies of games. It's just how it's always been :p I like having a physical copy to actually hold and see compared to a digital copy. Also, if something ever happened to my 3DS, I could still salvage the games and not have to start all over with digital copies.
Ouch! Tuff subject...

I prefer physical copies because...
If your 3DS breaks then you lose the games that your bought.
If you sell your 3DS to have money to buy ummm let's say the New 3DS, then you can't keep the games.
The game's memory doesn't take space in the 3DS

I like digital copies because...
You can't lose the cartridge (not that it happened to me, *knocks on wood*)
You don't have a bunch of cartridges to keep with your 3DS all of the time.
You can buy it anytime you want.

You can actually re-download the games that you bought on digital if you happen to lose your 3DS or sell it by contacting Nintendo. Games are connected to your Nintendo Network account for you to re-download. Just used google to confirm this and yes you can recover lost games as long as you have the Serial Number of your old 3DS (on the 3DS itself or if you have the box, OR if you registered it on Club Nintendo) and a new 3DS to transfer your Nintendo Network ID to. You will also need basic information like age, birth date etc to confirm that it is actually you. So not all is lost should you recover your information. The only loss at that point besides the 3DS itself is your save files.
I love digital copies more then physical. I love seeing all your games all at once instead of popping in and out cartridges. I think I have a whole screen of digital games which is good since I'm super lazy.
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While I prefer to have physical copies (those boxes look so lovely sitting on my shelf) I'm often too lazy to go out and get them. I've got 7 or 8 games digitally downloaded (of those include Tomodachi Life and Omega Ruby) but I've got the more important ones in physical form (ACNL and all LOZ)
i am very much team physical copy, i don't like spending money on something not physically real lol, plus i can put the cartridge on other 3ds's and i also like seeing all my games lined up too haha
Lately I've been preferring digital. It's annoying carrying around the games I want to play all the time when I can just have them on my SD card whenever. I will, however, purchase a physical copy of a game if it is a lot cheaper than buying it digitally.
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