I don't like soggy food at all, especially cereal. Once I pour my milk in the cereal, I have to rush and eat it before anything gets soggy. I don't like peas/beans, just the texture alone makes me want to barf... and as for fruits, I can only eat berries, citrus or melons, as I'm allergic to other types :/
nuts, peanuts are my allergies so yeah can't eat those.
as for non allergic stuff i can't eat fresh tomatoes, mostly because the slimy things inside. anything slimy like that is ew tbh. but yeahh i'm very sensitive to textures and consistence so.
Hmm... the only thing I could think about is maybe the problem that your eating too fast and maybe your stomach is having trouble with this..? I wonder..
Maybe try eating meals slowly, and even if it seems boring, just do it. See if there's an improvement. I used to get cramps by just eating quickly, and they hurt. Where and how are you sick in?
~Unicorn~ said:
If the seaweed, was expired, how come nobody else got sick from it?
I think the only food I can't do is like raw celery .__.
just can't stand the smell of it when you open up the fridge and it just hits you in the face sort of thing lol;;
but as long as it's cooked like in chicken noodle soup let's say then I can eat it np ~