Auction 5 MINS LEFT BID NOW C: Ankha in boxes CURRENT BID 20 MIL

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Okay 15 mins left - with spamurai at 7 mil :3
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That bid total was 6 mil^^
Someones bid 7 ml
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That bid total was 6 mil^^
Someones bid 7 ml

No dragon, I want to help! I dont know of I'll be online though...I have plans soon but if the bid gets higher, I'll try to keep up. I don't care how much i spend so people can bid on my behalf (as long as my total isn't more than 10 mil)...go Dragon!
I'll bid on Bekka's behalf xD
Well, she basicly said she'd autobid for him, didn't she?
I'm not sure what's happening there, but dragons current bid is 6 mil if you want to increase it that's fine with me:3
I think that's what was happening with bekka i have no idea
~11 million bells with kiwikenobi
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