Buying 500k! Alpine, Cabin, Modern, Patchwork, Ranch

My name is Sam, and my friend code is 3866-8146-9960. I have the alpine shelf, alpine kitchen cart, and the cabin clock. Town is Kamui.
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I am Chobani from the town of Dreamer. I have the alpine wall and if you are still looking for them, the alpine shelf and the alpine kitchen cart, too.
We meet again... lol I have the Cabin rug and table if you still want them, but it'll take 5 hours to get here... I need to order them...
We meet again... lol I have the Cabin rug and table if you still want them, but it'll take 5 hours to get here... I need to order them...

I will probably hold out until someone can just get me the rest of the set. I appreciate the offer. :)