Welcome to The Viles

Island/Town Name
Native Fruit
Native Flower


Senior Moderator
Jun 11, 2013
Galaxy Pizza
Ghastly Lantern
Skull Glow Wand
Friendly Ghost Plush
Black Sheep Plush
Flick Halloweaster Egg
Flick Halloweaster Egg
Flick Halloweaster Egg
Flick Halloweaster Egg
Flick Halloweaster Egg
Welcome to The Viles:
a thread that will be updated semi-regularly with daft images most likely taken out of context.
comments welcome.

Posts blogging about my current terra-forming and decorating project, known as The Vylbrand Restoration Project, begins at Post #66.

Town map as of April 23 2020:

Mugshot Passport:

Vylbrand Residents:

Current Villagers: Katt, Goose, Annabel, Sherb, Norma, Wolfgang, Julian, Soleil, Fauna, Raddle
Former Villagers: Lucha, Pinky, Lopez, Filbert

If you know the reference of either the thread title or the island name without Googling then you score points. ;)
Nook's Cranny might be closed but I am going to sell these old dino bones today and you can't stop me.

Pinky won't even look at me and Katt can't sleep through the night. I swear I'm not forcing my villagers to join a rock band against their will.


Today tragedy struck the island. A thief, later identified as @Laudine from the faraway island of Lunatea, was witnessed at approximately noon April 24th, 2020 robbing the stall of visiting shrubbery merchant Leif.


At twelve-fifteen, she struck the house of Vylbrand resident Goose, who was innocently crafting a pear hat. Officer Chris interviewed the victim after, where Goose identified the robber: "That's weird, buh-key, for some reason I feel like Laudine was just here." When asked for a statement, Laudine said, "forgive me officer". Witness to the crime, @dizzy bone, chimed in unhelpfully with, "Ahaha, I'm gonna go shop" and fled to Nook's Cranny. This officer suspects that she was an accomplice.

@Laudine's antics yesterday caught the attention of Isabelle and it appears her crimes have gone above robbing innocent shrubbery merchants and townsfolk. Now she's selling counterfeit art!? Can we blame her? The world is going down the toilet right now and I don't doubt that she has the skill to make authentic-looking replicas.


That's it. I'm dead.



Thank you for the DIYs, @Laudine! ❤

In other news, Vylbrand was hit by a hurricane (probably):

Terraforming when you're too stubborn to time travel is difficult. Day 2 of the process and it's so hard to resist. Mama looks how I feel when I view my island map:


I was trying to make cookies. I failed, clearly. I'm sorry, Mama!

Vylbrand post-hurricane, fire, and famine:


I am really liking how residential services looks surrounded by that cliff. It's almost taken my mind off the fact it is one square off of lining up perfectly with my airport. 😤

This isn't awkward at all...


Finally I can move the museum today. It's kind of in the way. Which idiot decided to put it there anyway? 😤
Showed up to Katt's birthday bash looking like a Valentine. She was so happy about my presence that I may need to reconsider my mission to eject her from The Viles.


Katt sent me a letter thanking me for coming to her birthday party. You know it must have been one hell of a party when you wake up in yesterday's clothes with no memory of the night before.

Now this is a much better picture than the museum ceremony. :p I built my first incline! Like forty days into the game...


Current state of my map. Today's goals are to establish incline #2, figure out what I'm doing with square B4, and start moving the cluster of three houses in the top of E3.

This is the second time Sherb has asked to move out this month. I'm starting to take it personally.



I'm holding out hope that Filbert or Pinky will ask to move next.
Spent the past couple of hours destressing from work with terraforming. God this takes such a long time! I don't know how people who TT to speed this process up manage it because I find an hour or two per day on it more than enough.

Here is the overall map now. Most of the change has occurred in B2 and B3, where I raised the terrain. Also filled in that gap in D6 where my house was previously in the way.


I made a little progress on the new town square. It's going to take time to decorate (especially as I want a specific sculpture from Redd) but I have a base down. That's the roof of my house behind it! In hindsight I think my house is too far back so that will be another 30,000 bells if I'm still not happy with it a couple weeks from now. I'll leave it a bit and see how I feel.


I planted a mix of azalea and tea olive shrubs on each side of town square. They bloom six months apart so I felt they were an appropriate mix.


Katt's house was the first to be moved to the new town area. I haven't decided who will be going in next to her - probably Goose or Julian so I can play with the river than runs down columns 2-3.

I worked 16hrs today on 4hrs of sleep. Last thing I needed was rain and this jerk interrupting my late night fishing trip. Time to sell to CJ and then head to dreamland. Hopefully the eight-legged beast will not follow me there.

It is amazing Leif returned to this little island after his previous experience on Vylbrand. And he looks so happy too! Maybe the beating he took from the bush thief damaged his hippocampus?
