šŸŒ¹ Welcome to Skog! šŸŒ¹

Island/Town Name
Native Fruit
Native Flower


So-Called Problem Solver
Feb 19, 2020
Love Tokens
Cupid Coins
Heart Dust
User Title Color Change
Welcome to Skog!

(Updated on 26 Apr. 2020)

Skog? What is that?
Skog is the Norwegian word for "forest", and also happens to be one of my favorite words in the language. When I set out to found my island, I knew that I wanted to create a nice, comfortable, cozy environment that called back to my days playing Population Growing as I was growing up. I wanted an island that was focused on taking advantage of the beauty that came with New Horizons' updated graphics and improved detail. On a deeper level, I wanted to create a place from scratch that is friendly, folksy, charming, and a place that islanders and players want to visit! While Skog became more developed than I had originally anticipated, adding cobblestone paths, a variety of shops, and decorations, I still set out to create a warm, cozy environment that felt like a mixture between forest and town. Jeg hĆ„per at dere liker min lille Ćøy!

Who's Here?


(Updated on 1 May 2020)

Who Moved On?

(Updated on 1 May 2020)
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Week 5: Painting the Town Redd


Welcome to my first journal post šŸ˜Š Iā€™m planning on updating this journal weekly with all of the happenings of Skog, a feat that may be difficult depending on my personal schedule. This ā€œblogā€ is both for me to document how my island is growing and changing over time as well as to hopefully provide some entertainment for anyone who reads. This entry might be a little abbreviated, however, because I only decided to this yesterday!

The major advances to my island this week, like most people who havenā€™t been time traveling, are the new features of from the update and the upgrading of Nookā€™s Cranny! With special visitors like Redd, Celeste, and Leif, the village has been bustling recently. The museum began upgrading this week as well. The negatives of all these upgrades hurt me a lot ā€“ with Nookā€™s Cranny under construction in the middle of the week, I lost out on some potential stalk gains! Well, not gains, exactly, because a decreasing pattern means I lost a lot of bells this week. Iā€™m hoping for better next week.


Something new I learned this week was that cataloguing items from Nookā€™s Cranny is extremely expensive once the upgrade brings in luxury items. The heated water pool ran me about 130k bells, which is about half a bridgeā€™s worth. I hope Timmy and Tommy enjoy the life of luxury Iā€™m providing for them! šŸ˜‚

Other top moments of the week included receiving two villagersā€™ pictures ā€“ Huck and Bruce ā€“ and redesigning my town flag. It might not be the prettiest flag, but I designed it myself, so I feel proud of it regardless! Additionally, getting villager photos is important to me because I am not letting anyone go until I receive their picture. Hopefully I can get someone to move within the next week to freshen up the island. After all, the last villager to move in, Blanche, has been around for almost a month! Hereā€™s to another pleasant week in Skog!
Week 6: Au Revoir, Ma Cherry!


This week in Skog was incredibly eventful. In the future, I may decide to write two weekly logs, or write update posts as I see appropriate just so that I donā€™t have to cram so much into one single post! There are so many things that happened this week, so without further ado, I will begin to describe what was in store for Skog in its sixth week.

We began with an expansion of the museum, which added a flair to the village that made it seem even more modern! I love art, so it was a great joy to me when this addition was made to the town. Redd even visited twice this week, so I was able to donate two gorgeous pieces of art. The attention to detail in this game is insane! I was impressed by how realistic the works are.

Also, I used the early portion of the week to decorate my town further. First, I paid off my final bridge, which was an upgraded replacement for the first bridge I had when I was began. I made little villager portraits to go outside of their houses to make it a little easier for guests to see who lives where! Finally, I renovated the campsiteā€™s location with a stone path, flowers, and a little campfire area. Itā€™s not the prettiest design, but Iā€™m proud of what Iā€™ve done with it.


This week was also notable because Cherry, one of the founding members of Skog, decided that it was her time to go. As I had her picture (and, I will note, this week I reached five out of ten villager photos), I let her go. This was an incredibly sad development for Skog, but as in life, people come and go. She ended up moving to a good home, which is all I wanted. She was an amazing resident in the time she was here, and she got to watch the island go from a deserted wasteland to a bustling town. Good luck in Sinnoh, Cherry!


With Cherry leaving Skog, it was time to find a replacement. But first ā€“ May Day! Through the May Day event, I got to meet Rover and earn some nice vouchers, though the other villagers didnā€™t seem to care as much about the activities. Nook thanked me for all the work I do, but I really enjoy working with the villagers to make Skog a better place. The satisfaction I get from that alone is satisfying enough for me.

After visiting Rover, I went island hopping to fill the tenth spot in Skog! Before my adventures, I told myself that I could only invite an Uchi villager, because I wanted the town to have a variety of personalities. Of course, with my luck, Freya and Bob, both of whom I adored, showed up and unfortunately had to be skipped over. In the end, I found Mira after about a dozen trips, who I am glad to welcome to Skog!

Following my intense island adventures, I came back to a jaw-dropping 550 bell price for turnips! This allowed me to make almost two million bells, between turnip profits and tips from opening up my island to visitors. In turn, I was able to pay off my remaining house debt, which allowed me to undergo the final expansion. With this many events going on this week, I canā€™t wait until what next week brings. Hereā€™s to another pleasant week in Skog!
Week 7: Picture Perfect


To be honest, this week in Skog, while enjoyable, was also the least eventful since Cherry, Bill, and I arrived seven weeks ago. Why did so little happen? Part of the reason was that my playtime was cut down a lot ā€“ with finals going on, I had quite a bit of real-world tasks to keep me busy. However, I still made time to chat and bond with my villagers!

The major event this week was Mira formally moving in! Sheā€™s been a great addition to the town so far and I am glad to have her. While no villager will be able to replicate the special place in Skogā€™s heart that Cherry held as a founding resident, Mira is a great fit and is making her own, unique mark on Skog.


Additionally, I received two more villager pictures this week! Marina and Blanche finally handed over their portraits as gifts, which I have been waiting for for a while. That leaves four holdouts in Skog ā€“ Bill, Octavian, Agent S, and Mira. I hope I can report on three of them (obviously Mira hasnā€™t been around long enough) appearing by next weekend but knowing them I donā€™t think theyā€™ll be so eager to gift me them! Iā€™ll continue to shower them with presents as I try to nab them, though.

Overall, though quite uneventful, Skog had a pleasant week. Turnips went well, we had several visitors, and new flowers appeared after several rainstorms. Additionally, visits from Leif, Saharah, and Label spiced up the town square. Hereā€™s to another pleasant week in Skog!