here is a small introduction of my island and what I'll be using this thread for!
The Island of Unova

first things first, as people who played pokémon black/white know Unova is basically the region from that game. That was the first pokémon game I took seriously and really enjoyed, so I really just have been using the name since for any town I have to name, including new leaf and even in tomodachi life. Tomodachi actually butchered the name when pronouncing it (in-game voice audio), calling it un-ova, but that way also stuck with me so now I enjoy pronouncing my island un-ova.
I'm more of a completionist than an island designer, but I mix both as completing the place is a pain without time traveling (I do still do it, but its MUCH more mild since I trade turnips, usually only to go on to days that I know I won't be able to play the game and switch it back to regular time when I check out what I wanted) and I do still have some designs in mind on how I want the town to look, but I don't like spending extravagant amounts of time building it, so I'll build up slowly and surely.
BossMK- The island representative (and current author of this thread). His best friends are the two penguins of the island, Roald and Sprinkle
Tia- the Elephant maid of the island. Very nice in nature and often is seen sweeping the plaza and giving away random shirts.
Butch- The Grouchy dog. Loves the great outdoors and loves driving cars. Often gets into grumpy competitions with Apollo, and has a great singing voice.
Liala- The Shy human. doesn't talk much but loves to plant fruit (and bells).
Nate- The Lazy bear. Talks a lot about his bug collection & tries to cook food with a fruit infuser...
Apollo- The Old eagle. Reminisces a lot about the past when he sees young people, and thinks that Butch needs to be more Grouchy.
ZaK- The Spry human. owns a turnip field where he leaves his precious turnips before he sells. Best friends with Daisy Mae.
Sprinkle- The pop-star penguin. The most popular on the island, often gets into fights and thinks her friends don't want her to apologize for any wrongs she commits against them. Sings a lot about "stick-thing".
Agent S- The Secret-agent Squirrel. A secret agent in town with a big social media base, Like Sprinkle but a better mindset. Sings a lot about stick-thing (Seriously, whats with the pop-stars and stick-thing?)
Quassy- The laid-back human. often breeds flowers in town and eats the oranges that grow there.
Ken- The Ninja Chicken. Doesn't actually do ninja like activities but does like to eat sandwiches sitting by the sea.
Poncho- The Buff bear-cub. Small bear but could bench press Nate if he wanted to, often spends time at home doing curls and talking about workouts.
Roald- The penguin with a dream. Has the dream to be a coach one day and claims to workout a lot, but is often seen eating a donut while sitting by the river claiming it helps work his abs.
Mint- The Laid back Squirrel. Recently moved in but is often seen relaxing and drinking orange smoothies. Likes to say "ahhhh" a lot.
What I'll do with this thread
Since this is a journal and I already did most of the interesting things, I'll use this thread as a journal for a different character, more of a role-play that I hope is interesting and still shows off the island (I don't know how often I'll post).
here is a small introduction of my island and what I'll be using this thread for!
The Island of Unova

first things first, as people who played pokémon black/white know Unova is basically the region from that game. That was the first pokémon game I took seriously and really enjoyed, so I really just have been using the name since for any town I have to name, including new leaf and even in tomodachi life. Tomodachi actually butchered the name when pronouncing it (in-game voice audio), calling it un-ova, but that way also stuck with me so now I enjoy pronouncing my island un-ova.
I'm more of a completionist than an island designer, but I mix both as completing the place is a pain without time traveling (I do still do it, but its MUCH more mild since I trade turnips, usually only to go on to days that I know I won't be able to play the game and switch it back to regular time when I check out what I wanted) and I do still have some designs in mind on how I want the town to look, but I don't like spending extravagant amounts of time building it, so I'll build up slowly and surely.
BossMK- The island representative (and current author of this thread). His best friends are the two penguins of the island, Roald and Sprinkle
Tia- the Elephant maid of the island. Very nice in nature and often is seen sweeping the plaza and giving away random shirts.
Butch- The Grouchy dog. Loves the great outdoors and loves driving cars. Often gets into grumpy competitions with Apollo, and has a great singing voice.
Liala- The Shy human. doesn't talk much but loves to plant fruit (and bells).
Nate- The Lazy bear. Talks a lot about his bug collection & tries to cook food with a fruit infuser...
Apollo- The Old eagle. Reminisces a lot about the past when he sees young people, and thinks that Butch needs to be more Grouchy.
ZaK- The Spry human. owns a turnip field where he leaves his precious turnips before he sells. Best friends with Daisy Mae.
Sprinkle- The pop-star penguin. The most popular on the island, often gets into fights and thinks her friends don't want her to apologize for any wrongs she commits against them. Sings a lot about "stick-thing".
Agent S- The Secret-agent Squirrel. A secret agent in town with a big social media base, Like Sprinkle but a better mindset. Sings a lot about stick-thing (Seriously, whats with the pop-stars and stick-thing?)
Quassy- The laid-back human. often breeds flowers in town and eats the oranges that grow there.
Ken- The Ninja Chicken. Doesn't actually do ninja like activities but does like to eat sandwiches sitting by the sea.
Poncho- The Buff bear-cub. Small bear but could bench press Nate if he wanted to, often spends time at home doing curls and talking about workouts.
Roald- The penguin with a dream. Has the dream to be a coach one day and claims to workout a lot, but is often seen eating a donut while sitting by the river claiming it helps work his abs.
Mint- The Laid back Squirrel. Recently moved in but is often seen relaxing and drinking orange smoothies. Likes to say "ahhhh" a lot.
What I'll do with this thread
Since this is a journal and I already did most of the interesting things, I'll use this thread as a journal for a different character, more of a role-play that I hope is interesting and still shows off the island (I don't know how often I'll post).