june 19, 2020
───── ❝ shangri-la❞ ─────
- paid off my debt after two weeks!
- met two of the other villagers that moved in! aurora and bangle!
- bought my first painting from redd!
- fainted like five times today!
- caught a hammerhead shark, whale shark, barreleye fish, char, cherry salmon, the two other goldfish, barreleye!
- caught a violin beetle, citrus long-horned beetle, agrias butterfly, great purple emperor,
- decorated for cyrus and reese's reception!
- completed multiple fossil collections!
- got 12402 hha points LOL
- got my first diy from a villager!
- learned first four reactions!
- cleaned my village finally!
- planted a lot more flowers!
- got rid of most weeds except for the dandelions?
- did a lot of buying!
- had someone go to my island other than my friend for the first time!
- wished upon a shooting star for the first time!
- made some new pro designs!
- did a lot of fishing!
- finally started to clean my village up
- that one house that is a TINY BIT off pisses me off so much omg
aurora trying her best DKJFJSDKF
broccolo being really cute talking about donuts