Rubye is named and designed in remembrance of my late grandmother. She owned a house in the woods, surrounded by a garden she tended to every day that she could. She was also a hippie back in the day, and much of my childhood was full of half-told stories that she promised to finish "when I was older". I got lucky with windflowers as my native flower (they resemble poppies, which she loved for hippie-related reasons). I'm very excited about the mushroom furniture in autumn because she loved those as well. Dobie, Vivian, Pashmina, Fauna, Drake, and Genji are all Amiibo villagers. I wanted them to reflect parts of her life as well. One of her favorite dogs was a female German Shepard, she always talked about buying goats to keep her yard short, we once stumbled across a fawn in a meadow during one of our many hikes, she used to take me to the county lake all the time for picnics and feeding the ducks, and she always had a love for Japanese art and decor.
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Thanks for taking the time to check out my island!
Rubye is named and designed in remembrance of my late grandmother. She owned a house in the woods, surrounded by a garden she tended to every day that she could. She was also a hippie back in the day, and much of my childhood was full of half-told stories that she promised to finish "when I was older". I got lucky with windflowers as my native flower (they resemble poppies, which she loved for hippie-related reasons). I'm very excited about the mushroom furniture in autumn because she loved those as well. Dobie, Vivian, Pashmina, Fauna, Drake, and Genji are all Amiibo villagers. I wanted them to reflect parts of her life as well. One of her favorite dogs was a female German Shepard, she always talked about buying goats to keep her yard short, we once stumbled across a fawn in a meadow during one of our many hikes, she used to take me to the county lake all the time for picnics and feeding the ducks, and she always had a love for Japanese art and decor.
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