🌺 Hibiscus Island Journal & Photobook 🌺

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Island/Town Name
Native Fruit
Native Flower


Representative of Hibiscus
Oct 28, 2020

Hello friends! I will be recording the changes of my life here on Hibiscus! I'm very late to the party, as I couldn't get ahold of the game until the beginning of October. But I have a few photo's of my early adventure thanks to sharing them with my friend on Discord. Anywho! Please allow me to introduce you to my island, Hibiscus! This first post will mostly tell you about my island in general.


🍐 Native Fruit: Pear
💐 Native Flower: Hyacinths
✈ Airport Color: Yellow
🌎 Hemisphere: North
🌺 Island Theme: None yet!

Now how did I come up with the name "Hibiscus"? Well, let me tell you. I spent many long nights discussing with my best friend on different names and also searching on Random Name Generators to help me decide. Initially, I was going to go with something Spooky. A few names that I had were Moonscar Island (taken from the Scooby Doo Movie), Kailani (I just liked the name), Autumn (Favorite Season) and Salem (to go with the spooky theme). I eventually settled on Hibiscus for my Island name. It's my favorite flower and I've always wanted to visit Hawai'i!

Hyacinth's are a pretty flower, so I honestly don't mind them being my native flower. I much would have preferred Cherries for my fruit, but I can live with it!



❤ Name: Tiffani
👩 Gender: Female
🕑 Timezone: MST
🎮 Started Playing: October 3, 2020
💗 Ultimate Dreamies: Sherb, Muffy, Kitty

Hello! My name is Tiffani! This is my second installment of an Animal Crossing game. I started New Leaf thanks to the (constant) urging of my best friend, @Onyxcat. It didn't take long for me to be hooked! Soon after I played Happy Home Designer, and even though that wasn't exactly my cup of tea, I did enjoy it quite a bit. After that, I did play Pocket Camp for a while, but as with HHD, it wasn't exactly my cup of tea. I am so excited to share my life here on Hibiscus in ACNH! 🌺


🏅 Starting Villagers: Axel & Diva
🏠 Random Move-ins: Sherb, Bangle & Norma
🏕 Random Campsite Villager: Ed
💕 Current Villagers: Diva, Sherb, Bangle, Norma, Ed, Stitches, Claudia, Lucha, Tammy, Fang
⭐ Dream Villagers: Ankha, Kitty, Olivia, Muffy, Beau, Poppy, Lily



This is a pretty early map, before I got terraforming. I haven't actually taken a picture of my current map lately. I'll have to capture a new image when I have a second.

I have a ton of images to post, but I actually need to be heading to work. I'll update this later!

🌺 Thanks for looking! 🌺
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(My cute beach cottage!)

I may have started late in the game compared with everyone else, but every day I enjoyed each and every minute on my island! I have a few images from those days that I thankfully saved with Discord.

My first two villagers were Axel and Diva. Although I thought Axel was cute, Jocks have never been my favorite kind of villagers. He was a little annoying, but I enjoyed the weird things he said. So when he recently asked me to leave, I was sad, but let him go. I when I first saw Diva in the beginning, I was a little bummed. She didn't seem like anything special. But as time went on, I actually started to like her. And even though she's not one of my dream villagers, I will enjoy her until it is time for her to leave. She is a peach, and I enjoy her company.

My first campsite villager was Ed, and unfortunately, he is NOT my cup of tea. He is an interesting villager and always seems to get into fights with other villagers. While I have gotten used to having him on his island, I will not be sad when he goes.



Early on, I tried my best to design my island around the many rivers and cliffs on my island. But, it was very difficult. This was my park idea, and even though this is going away, it still makes me smile. (Also, early on I made a LOT of the pumpkin fence pieces...this isn't even half of them.)


(So many pumpkin fences...)

My residential services area. It ended up being very close to my airport, but I found ways to work around it! It wasn't very glamorous in the beginning, and even though I haven't changed it up much yet, I'm planning to make it more elegant in the future.

In the beginning, I kind of just shoved all the residential homes to the left side of Residential Services. Soon after, I decided that I wanted to move Nook's Cranny from the right side of RS to the left in more of a shopping area. After the Able Sisters wanted to move their shop to the island, I found that everything was crowded and there actually was no room for them to build. So, that's where my idea to move the residents to the right side of the RS!



Looking back on it now, I hate that I put the residential area so close to Residential Services. On the other hand, I love how orderly this layout looks! Though in the future when I move the houses again to the back of the island, I will be giving them larger yards and more decorations in the yard!

And next time, I will talk more about Nook's Cranny and the Museum! Read on to the next post (coming soon)! Thanks for reading! 🌺

Time to talk about the Shops on Hibiscus! This includes the Able Sisters, Nook's Cranny and the Museum! They've had many different locations over the last month, but all in all, it's been a blast working on this!



In the beginning, I set Nook's Cranny on the lower right side of Residential Services. I wasn't thinking about the full layout of the island. In the end, it was a bad area to place it. So, later, I decided to move the shop to the left side of RS and make a little shopping district with a little path to the museum. And even though I will be switching this up (again), I am very happy with it for the time being.



As with Nook's Cranny, my initial spot for the Museum wasn't the greatest. But after terraforming became available, I moved the river into a better position and started working on my Museum Park! It's a WIP still at the moment, but I cannot wait to share it with everyone!


I went on a catching spree before poor Blather's had the chance to open up shop. I was keeping all my donations in my storage and I complained to my friend one day that I had zero space left in my storage thanks to my donations taking up so much space. That was the day that I found out that I could leave them outside the museum. It took me THREE trips to remove them from my home, but it was amazing. I had so much more space available!


My first fossil completed October 17, 2020!

That's all for now! I don't have any old pictures of the Able Sisters' shop, unfortunately. Next time, I will show you my the many locations and iterations of my pumpkin patch!

Until next time! 🌺


When I heard that you could grow pumpkins in New Horizons, I was ecstatic! Fall and especially Halloween are by far my favorite time of year. And the DIY recipes for Halloween made me so happy! I couldn't wait to get them all!


(Sorry for the terrible photo's. Took them with my phone to directly share on discord)

These were taken a while ago, way back before I had access to terraforming. It was very difficult working around the river and I am so glad I ended up moving stuff anyway. I added a small pumpkin patch onto my house with the excess pumpkin starts that I couldn't fit in the park garden. (I had bought SO many pumpkin starts in the beginning.)


This is currently my home and pumpkin patch layout (this will change when I move my house again, but I figured I'd put this here anyway).


Halloween on Hibiscus was a lot of fun! I enjoyed running around in my costumes (I forgot to take pictures of both of them, but I switched outfits halfway through the night.) So enjoy images of my Halloween night celebration!


My Halloween decorations! I had a lot of decorations decorating my island and villagers (especially Sherb) loved mentioning them in conversations!


I had a lot of fun designing clothing for Halloween! And even though I haven't used them recently, I still enjoy looking at them. (That jacket is something that I'd totally wear).


More costumes! I got that dress from a balloon and I'm still in love with it. I made the hat to go with it. I'm glad you couldn't see my feet because at the time, I had no shoes that went with the dress. Also, I adore that super hero outfit!


The night for Haunting finally arrives and I spent a long time haunting and scary Lucha, Bangle and Stitches! This was my second costume of the night, a pirate!


I only captured Axel's reaction, but I had fun fooling all my villagers with the Jack costume! What a great addition!


This was after Halloween, but I enjoyed spooking Sherb and Norma while they were trying to work out.

I know this was a tad picture heavy, but I had so much I wanted to show off. Until next time! 🌺


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Today on Tiffani's Ted Talk, I'll be talking about the residents (past and present) of Hibiscus! So please, grab a cup of joe and get comfy!

Axel the Elephant
First off, we have Axel the Jock Elephant. At first, I wasn't happy with him. He annoyed me, always talking about working out and running around the island. But as time went on, he grew on me. He soon grew affectionate enough to call me burrito (something Sherb had started calling me not long before).

And then on October 31, 2020 (yes he asked to leave on HALLOWEEN), Axel decided it was his time to move on. Of course, I was a little sad, but I eventually decided to let him move on.
Diva the Frog
My second starter villager was Diva the Sisterly Frog. As with Axel, I wasn't too terribly happy with her as my starter, but as time went on, she grew on me. She's very sweet and loving and hardly gets into fights with other villagers. I'm happy with her staying as long as she wants.


The other residents that live on Hibiscus at this current time. (Nov. 4, 2020)​
Sherb the Goat
Sherb was one of my random mystery island encounters, and I could not be happier that he is here! He is one of my favorite villagers and I enjoy every minute talking to him. He's fun and adorable and I will never let him leave my island!
Bangle the Tiger
Bangle was my second random mystery island encounter. She is an absolute delight to have on Hibiscus and even though she isn't going to be a permanent resident, I will enjoy her while I have her here.
Norma the Cow
My third and final random mystery island villager was Norma. At first, I wasn't entirely sure if I'd keep Norma. She seemed odd to me and I'm not really a fan of cow villagers. But Norma has earned a place in my heart since she's been on my island. She won't be going anywhere anytime soon.
Stitches the Bear
Stitches was found on a mystery island after I was finally given full reign to search for villagers on my own. I don't know how long I had searched that day, but when I found him, I was instantly attracted to him. He's cute and reminds me of the many stuffed animals I currently have in my room. Although he won't be staying on Hibiscus forever, I will enjoy him being here for now.
Claudia the Tiger
I was shocked and sad that Nook had sold a property from beneath me before I had had a chance to search for a villager. But when Claudia finally moved in, I wasn't terribly upset. She's cute and I adore the hearts in her design. Although, she isn't meant to stay, I like seeing her and Bangle interact.
Lucha the Bird
This Bird. This bird is the bane of my existence right now. I hate him. I dislike his design and I don't want him on my island, but he refuses to leave.
Tammy the Bear
Another slot taken when Nook sold a house. I don't hate her, but she's not my cup of tea. I won't tell her to stay if she asks to leave, that's for sure.
Fang the Wolf
Fang was found while I was Island hopping after Axel left. I wasn't sure I wanted him, but my friend, @Onyxcat was making fun of me that all my dream villagers were mostly female and Sherb, so I decided he was cute enough to stay. All in all, he's adorable and I don't think I made a bad decision asking him to move in. I love him! (I thought he was Whitney at first and I almost passed him up because my friend had recently gotten her to move to her island.
Poppy the Squirrel
By FAR one of my favorite villagers. I'm so happy to have her on Hibiscus! Went Island Hopping after Ed left and she was the 20th villager I ran into. I love her!


Residents that have left Hibiscus will be recorded here. (And also when I make my graveyard, I'll commemorate them there!)
Hopper the Penguin
I was not (and still aren't) a fan of this guy. He's weird and his red eyes creep me out. Something about him reminds me of Happy Feet, and I don't know what. So, anyway, he asked to leave on the 23rd of October and I happily let him go. (Came to find out my friend had him on her island before me and I didn't know it.)

Time on Hibiscus: October 15th - October 23rd, 2020
Axel the Elephant
At first, I wasn't happy with him. He annoyed me, always talking about working out and running around the island. But as time went on, he grew on me. He soon grew affectionate enough to call me burrito (something Sherb had started calling me not long before).
Time on Hibiscus: October 3rd - October 31st, 2020
Ed the Horse
The first camper villager that Hibiscus ever received. I remember being very unhappy with him as my newest villager. He did grow on me after a while, but not enough to keep him, unfortunately.
Time on Hibiscus: October 13th - November 7th, 2020

That's all for now! I'll probably update this when someone leaves/moves in, so keep an eye out!
Thanks for looking and stay tuned for more! 🌺
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I absolutely love the transformation of your island! The only thing about this game that's daunting to me, is the fact that I have to rework on how I envision my island's end game to be, and I feel overwhelmed right off the bat.

It's so beautiful lol

Edit: forgot to mention, that I'm looking forward to your winter look!
I absolutely love the transformation of your island! The only thing about this game that's daunting to me, is the fact that I have to rework on how I envision my island's end game to be, and I feel overwhelmed right off the bat.

It's so beautiful lol

Edit: forgot to mention, that I'm looking forward to your winter look!

Ah thank you! Yes, I agree it is very daunting at first! When I first got terraforming I literally didn't do anything because I didn't know where to start!

Me too! I'm going to miss all my pumpkin items, though. :'3
Ah thank you! Yes, I agree it is very daunting at first! When I first got terraforming I literally didn't do anything because I didn't know where to start!

Me too! I'm going to miss all my pumpkin items, though. :'3

I came in late October, so I only managed to get a few of the pumpkin items. Wish I had them all because they look really nice aesthetically lol.

I got close to terraforming once, but quit playing, deleted my island, and gave my daughter my switch. She still doesn't know what she's doing lol. NOW, I'm back, but the transforming is still sooo daunting to me. I haven't looked anything up and I don't have a good idea as to where to begin with it. Is it just working on one part of land at a time?
I came in late October, so I only managed to get a few of the pumpkin items. Wish I had them all because they look really nice aesthetically lol.

I got close to terraforming once, but quit playing, deleted my island, and gave my daughter my switch. She still doesn't know what she's doing lol. NOW, I'm back, but the transforming is still sooo daunting to me. I haven't looked anything up and I don't have a good idea as to where to begin with it. Is it just working on one part of land at a time?

Pretty much! That's what my friend told me to do, anyway. I haven't really been doing that because I'm a bit impatient and indecisive so I switch projects so fast. But that let's me come back refreshed to try all over again!
Pretty much! That's what my friend told me to do, anyway. I haven't really been doing that because I'm a bit impatient and indecisive so I switch projects so fast. But that let's me come back refreshed to try all over again!

It goddarn sucks the most because you're forced to get K.K. in by having so much stuff on your island already. Oh well, I can't complain too much since I find myself enjoying my time a lot, now that I have my wife & daughter playing (albeit both on my wife's switch) playing while I play.


Ed asked me to leave today. I tt a few days into the future, hoping I could get Lucha to leave. Unfortunately, Ed was the first to ask to leave, and since I intended for him to leave anyway, I let him go.

When he finally moved out, I set out to find his replacement! I was excited at the aspect of a new villager! Here's a list of who I ran into along the way!​

1. Ava - She's cute, but not someone I'd keep on my island. Sorry!
2. Del - Not a huge fan of Alligator villagers...pass!
3. Tank - He's cute, but not my cup of tea. (money island!)
4. Mathilda - She's cute, but not for me.
5. Plucky - Another Chicken I am not a fan of.
6. Ed - What? I don't even know the chances are of that...


He doesn't even remember me... *sob*

7. Cheri - She's adorable! If I didn't have my set of dream villagers, she'd be going home with me!
8. Tutu - She's so cute! Had a hard time leaving her.
9. Rhonda - She's cute, but no thanks.
10. Henry - Cute frog, but passed him up.
11. Rowan - Not a fan. Easily passed up.
12. Renee - Another Rhino... didn't take her.
13. Chief - Already have Fang, so I'm not interested in taking another Wolf in.
14. Derwin - No thanks...
15. Rodney - Not a fan of hamsters.
16. Molly - Another cute villager I'd take if not for my dreamy list.
17. Del (again) - Still no.
18. Gladys - Another cute villager I'd take if I didn't have plans...
19. Sheldon - Tempting. I had him in my New Leaf town, but ultimately decided I didn't want him.
20. Poppy - AHHH! One of my dreamies!! I couldn't believe it! Asked her to come home!


I am so happy to finally have my girl home! I hope you enjoy your life on Hibiscus, Poppy!


Until next time... 🌺

It's been a while since I posted here! A lot has changed on Hibiscus, but thankfully, I have been recording the most important things. Today, though, I have a bunch of fun images I took on Harv's Island!

Initially, I couldn't figure out how to add my villagers models to the studio. I felt so dumb going to the internet to search, and found out you had to summon them like you did with furniture (which I suppose I understand, but why not put it by the Amiibo spot?)
Anywho! Onto the photos!


I finally got Ankha from a very kind user here on TBT, so I decided I wanted to start with all my cat villagers. I had a lot of fun putting together matching outfits for us (And came up with a name for our little group: Sailor Kitties)


(The nefarious Captain Fang was taken into custody and all of Hibiscus is safe! Thank you, Sailor Cuties!)

I decided it was time to add in the rest of Hibiscus' residents for a group photo! I wasn't sure what to do with the background (as you can probably tell) but I did enjoy getting a picture of all of them together. ❤

I decided it was time to take a (very late) Halloween picture. I was so happy with how these turned out I used the Haunt image as my pc background!

Last but not least, some singular photos of villagers I thought were very cute or made me laugh and I hope you enjoy them as much as I did!
I tend to forget just how cute Poppy looks with those tiny little Pac-man eyes and button nose. Also, one of your dreamies is Muffy!! She's my favourite villager of all time and I absolutely adore how she looks in NH.

I love to see how people make progress in their own island especially since I can't afford the game myself, so I can't wait to see how your island turns out.
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