Representative of Hibiscus

Hello friends! I will be recording the changes of my life here on Hibiscus! I'm very late to the party, as I couldn't get ahold of the game until the beginning of October. But I have a few photo's of my early adventure thanks to sharing them with my friend on Discord. Anywho! Please allow me to introduce you to my island, Hibiscus! This first post will mostly tell you about my island in general.

✈ Airport Color: Yellow

Now how did I come up with the name "Hibiscus"? Well, let me tell you. I spent many long nights discussing with my best friend on different names and also searching on Random Name Generators to help me decide. Initially, I was going to go with something Spooky. A few names that I had were Moonscar Island (taken from the Scooby Doo Movie), Kailani (I just liked the name), Autumn (Favorite Season) and Salem (to go with the spooky theme). I eventually settled on Hibiscus for my Island name. It's my favorite flower and I've always wanted to visit Hawai'i!
Hyacinth's are a pretty flower, so I honestly don't mind them being my native flower. I much would have preferred Cherries for my fruit, but I can live with it!

❤ Name: Tiffani

Hello! My name is Tiffani! This is my second installment of an Animal Crossing game. I started New Leaf thanks to the (constant) urging of my best friend, @Onyxcat. It didn't take long for me to be hooked! Soon after I played Happy Home Designer, and even though that wasn't exactly my cup of tea, I did enjoy it quite a bit. After that, I did play Pocket Camp for a while, but as with HHD, it wasn't exactly my cup of tea. I am so excited to share my life here on Hibiscus in ACNH!

🏕 Random Campsite Villager: Ed

This is a pretty early map, before I got terraforming. I haven't actually taken a picture of my current map lately. I'll have to capture a new image when I have a second.
I have a ton of images to post, but I actually need to be heading to work. I'll update this later!

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