
I can relate after watching a really scary ghost movie. ><

I like sweets. A lot. There's no such thing as "too sweet."
I can relate sometimes
You want to draw, but you're occupied with school or work?
I can relate except I got bunnies lol, but our furry babies deserve all the love 😍

I have spend too much money recently (For me on ac cards lol but that is too specific I think)
Sort of...near the beginning of the month I was liberal w/ buying many games on sale on the Nintendo Switch shop.

I have a hard time letting things go.
Can totally relate.

Sometimes I'll start a conversation or thought but get bored of it before I even finish the sentence.
Not often, but can relate.

I can't pet cats because I'm allergic to them.
...You know the answer 😉

Suddenly you feel incomplete (like you feel like there's a missing puzzle in your heart)
Can relate.

I feel the need to always ask people if they're mad at me, just to make sure they aren't.
Yup, although I’m starting to get more used to it.

I tend to get extremely nervous while talking to cashiers.
Definitely relate.

I get nervous when I'm completely alone somewhere, even though I enjoy being alone.
Idk i never been completely alone before

You get nervous wether you spelled something wrong even though it's right
Can relate.

I feel the need to have a neat TBT lineup, and get frustrated when it's not.
Nah I could care less.

I can't wait til Christmas.
I am a person who absolutely adores Christmas, best time of the year tbh so you bet I am ☺ However, due to unexpected circumstances we haven't done anything yet for it 😳
So in that vein I haven't put up the Christmas tree this year
I can’t relate. My dad puts it up around Black Friday most years.

However, we don’t ever get to taking down the tree until a decent bit into the next year.