I try to be considerate with my volume, but I wouldn't say I keep it low. I definitely don't want it at a volume where others can hear it, though, so I can relate.
I find strong scents distracting. Sometimes, they give me headaches.
I can relate. I wear headphones to drown out my environment when I head out and I find myself surrounded by a huge crowd (although these days, on the rare occasions I do go out, my mind is more focused on getting what I need and getting out while keeping my distance and not touching my face.)
Half relate, my hair is thin and does shed often, but I don't think it's breaking. It was worse when it was longer, for obvious reasons. Then I shaved half my head and cut off over half of my hair. I still get shedding, but not as much.
When I'm outside alone in a public area (like a parking lot or walking by stores, just somewhere outside a building) I try to be alert to make sure no one is gonna jump me or somethin.
Not really—I don't have any dreamcatchers, though I am trying to learn lucid dreaming to help deal with nightmares/anxiety dreams. No luck so far unfortunately. orz
I have trouble filtering out background noise, even when I'm wearing noise-cancelling headphones.
sometimes yeah. it really depends on what the noise is and if aunt flow is visiting honestly
i eat foods one at a time (ie: i have a burger and fries, i have to eat one before the other can be touched, order doesn't matter).
idk why i do this honestly i just always have. i'm trying to kick the habit becus it makes me eat slow as heck.