rules for FR are below:
feel free to make offers, prices aren't static
skull glow wand - 2.5k tbt / 2.5 mill fr
stardust easter egg - 1.2k tbt / 1.2 mill fr
sweet bunny balloon x3 - 400 tbt / 400k fr
sweet balloon - 400 tbt / 400k fr
chinese dragon head - 200 tbt / 200k fr (Feb 26, 2024 at 4:02 PM)
chinese dragon tail - 200 tbt / 200k fr (Feb 28, 2024 at 10:31 AM)
baby chick easter egg - 200 tbt / 200k fr
silver jellyfish - 200 tbt / 200k fr
flea - 200 tbt / 200k fr
april birthstone (diamond) - 150 tbt / 150k fr (Apr 4, 2014)
september birthstone (sapphire) - 150 tbt / 150k fr (Sep 13, 2013 / Sep 30, 2015)
gingerbread house x3 - 50 tbt / 50k fr
red toy car - 50 tbt / 50k fr
hanukkah candy - 50 tbt / 50k fr
fortune cookie - 50 tbt / 50k fr
hot cocoa - free
silent night bauble - free
friday 13th candy x2 -free
- flight rising trades must be in treasure (TBT's rules)
- you must mention both of our tbt usernames and link back to this thread in the FR crossroads (FR's rules). sample message:
trade between seliph and [your username] on bell tree forums: - my username on FR is snackeater
feel free to make offers, prices aren't static

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